Ranking Three-Time Survivor Players – Number 14: Jonathan Penner
Jonathan Penner was looked at as one of the biggest villains for his moves made in Cook Islands. The first decision was to mutiny to the other tribe along with Candice (which he soon regretted) and the other was being the swing vote with the Aitu 4 alliance. Yul showed Penner the idol and informed him if he didn’t join them, they’d vote him out instead, so what was Penner supposed to do?
Penner was so hated by his teammates at that point that the alliance he helped give control to voted him out even with two outsiders still remaining in the game. Ouch.
Penner returned for Micronesia and was medically evacuated, which is a shame because it looked like he could have gone on a nice run. His tribe had been dominating, so it’s very likely he’d have made it to the merge and been able to go deep into the game if he aligned with the right people. We’ll never know though.
His third return to the game was as a team captain in Philippines where he made the merge, but was ultimately voted out on Day 30. Penner was a good player and since the medical evacuation wasn’t his fault, I put him ahead of Malcolm here because otherwise, it’s likely he’d have made the merge in all three of his seasons.
Ranking Three-Time Survivor Players – Number 13: Jerri Manthey
Survivor‘s first villainess went by the name of Jerri Manthey and she was so hated by people in her first season! That led to her getting blindsided by her own alliance on Day 27 in the Australian Outback.
Jerri returned in All-Stars and would have made the merge were it not for Lex wanting to help out his buddy Rob by saving Amber. Jerri was a pre-merge boot and then it’d be another six years before we’d get to see her play again.
In her third (and to this point) final appearance, Jerri was a villain on Heroes vs Villains and eventually aligned with Russell and Parvati, which got her to fourth place. Even though Jerri placed well in all three of her seasons, the season where she placed fourth didn’t see her do much strategically.
She did appear more likable in each season and aligned with the right people on the Villains tribe. If Russell had made the decision to vote Parvati out on Day 38, Jerri probably wins that season over Russell and Sandra.