Ranking Three-Time Survivor Players – Number 12: Stephenie LaGrossa
As much as I wanted to rank Stephenie LaGrossa higher, her weak performance in Heroes vs Villains landed her just outside the top ten.
Stephenie captured everyone’s hearts in Palau when she was a part of the doomed Ulong tribe, which eventually saw everyone get voted out except for her and Bobby Jon. She beat Bobby Jon in fire making and soon was absorbed by the Koror tribe where they voted her out on Day 30.
Steph returned the very next season as a team captain in season 11. During her run on Guatemala, Stephenie became more of a villain, voting people out without any regards for their feelings. She made it all the way to the end, but lost 6-1 to Danni, who many considered to be a coattail rider (though I actually think Danni’s game is quite underrated).
It was cool to see Stephenie return for Heroes vs Villains, but she fizzled out quickly. Rupert and James hated her (Rupert probably didn’t like how popular she was – Not even kidding), which led to her being the second boot that season and her then plugging her restaurant at the reunion show.
Steph will always be a Survivor legend because she was the only player to be on a tribe by herself, but when looking back, she wasn’t great at the game. Guatemala was handed to her on a silver platter and she still couldn’t win the game.
Ranking Three-Time Survivor Players – Number 11: Andrea Boehlke
Andrea could honestly fall just about anywhere on this list. On the one hand, she never made it to the end, which could be looked at as her being a bottom tier three-time returnee.
The reason she’s this high, however, is that she managed to make it to the merge in all three games and made it quite far each time. She could have won any of her three seasons, but was taken out due to her threat level.
In her first season, Andrea was placed on Boston Rob’s tribe in Redemption Island, where she was voted out on Day 32. She won her way back into the game, but was voted out again on Day 37 because she was a huge threat to Rob.
In Caramoan, Andrea had a lot of power. She had a Hidden Immunity Idol in her pocket and that led Cochran and Dawn leading the charge to blindside her on Day 33. That’s honestly one of my favorite blindside reactions ever (“WHAT?!”).
Game Changers saw Andrea make it 33 days as well before she was booted by Sarah. She’s played 103 days of Survivor and despite never making it to the end, has proven herself to be a solid player.