72. Kathy Vavrick-O’Brien (Marquesas, All-Stars)
One of the first badass female Survivor players was Kathy Vavrick-O’Brien, who first played back in season four. She was able to make it all the way to the final four and that was in spite of being on the outs of her original tribe.
Kathy should have been the winner of Marquesas, but not winning the final immunity challenge proved costly, as she was voted out right before the final tribal council.
She was one of the many who got gypped by Boston Rob in All-Stars and made that known during her jury speech, but prior to that, she had been playing a good game. It’s doubtful we see her return due to her age, but it’d still be nice.
71. Joe Anglim (Worlds Apart, Cambodia, Edge of Extinction)
The first three-time player to appear on Russell’s list is Joe Anglim, who has become one of the biggest challenge beasts in the show’s history. Had he continued to win out on Cambodia, he more than likely wins that season.
Joe was able to help his tribes on both Cambodia and Edge of Extinction avoid tribal council and that helped him get to the merge both times. He’s made it to the merge in all three seasons and his athleticism is obviously to thank for that.
There’s the next round of greatest Survivor players ever! This list is starting to get good and I can’t wait to see the final 70 players.