Ranking Four-Time Survivor Players: Number 2 – Cirie Fields
It was REALLY difficult choosing who got the top spot between Cirie Fields and the eventual number one entry, but I ultimately have Cirie listed second due to the fact that the other player has won before.
The fact that Cirie hasn’t won before but is still second on this list is a testament to just how good of a player she is. We were first introduced to her in Survivor: Panama in 2006 where things didn’t look good for Cirie early on. She was in danger of going home on Day 6, but ended up surviving that tribal council and then wiggling her way into the Casaya alliance.
That helped pave the way for Cirie to make it all the way to the final four where she was eliminated in a fire making duel against Danielle. If Cirie wins that, there’s a decent chance she makes it to the end and if that happens, she probably wins.
Cirie returned four seasons later as a favorite on Micronesia and joined forces with the Black Widow Brigade at the merge. It was her idea to have Natalie ask Erik to give up his immunity necklace and were it not for a last minute twist that shrunk the final tribal council to two people instead of three, Cirie likely is crowned the victor of Micronesia.
Heroes vs Villains was a forgettable appearance for Cirie, as she was eliminated fourth and was idoled out at that. Tom wanted her gone and he used his Hidden Immunity Idol to do so.
After a bad outing in Heroes vs Villains, Cirie returned 14 seasons later for Game Changers where once again, she made it far but was taken out of the game for unfair reasons. Everyone remaining in the game had an idol or some sort of advantage to save them from elimination, which led to Cirie’s exit. Jeff Probst made it worse when he said not a single vote in the urn was for Cirie. Oof.
That exit – which has been dubbed as “Advantagegeddon” by the fans – has led to production putting earlier expirations on advantages so that never happens again.
Cirie has made it to at least the final six in all but one appearance and was so close to making it to the end twice. As noted above, she likely wins Micronesia if it weren’t for the final two twist and she was poised to make it further in Game Changers, but was unfairly taken out.
It was difficult putting her second on this list, but when you see the number one entry, you’ll understand why.