J.T.’s Letter
Without a doubt, the moment fans remember from Heroes vs Villains is the letter J.T. wrote to Russell when he gave him the Hidden Immunity Idol. That’s right – J.T. gave Russell the Hidden Immunity Idol in a game for a million dollars.
I wrote about this previously how the move honestly wasn’t that stupid in theory, but since we know what happened, it turned out to be one of the dumbest moves in Survivor history. The backstory is that J.T. found the idol and he and the rest of the Heroes tribe were convinced that there was a women’s alliance running things on the Villains tribe.
When Russell was the only man left on the Villains tribe, this only made the Heroes think this even more and at the end of an immunity challenge, J.T. gave Russell the idol along with a note, which was mocked by Russell and Parvati.
It was a pretty ridiculous note and the move really tarnished J.T’s legacy, which is unfortunate because prior to Heroes vs Villains, he was looked at as one of the best winners of all-time for his perfect game in Tocantins.
Parvati’s Double Idol Play
Continuing on from J.T.’s letter, his decision to give Russell the idol was the nail in the coffin for the Heroes. Both sides had five players when the two tribes merged into one and now the Villains had two idols at their disposal.
Parvati tried to talk to Amanda Kimmel, her BFF from Micronesia, about the vote, but Amanda was adamant that Parvati play the idol for herself (and it was blatantly obvious that Amanda was lying). This showed Parvati that she couldn’t trust Amanda and knew that the Heroes weren’t coming after her.
At tribal council, Parvati used one idol to give to Sandra and used the other – the one J.T. gave to Russell – on protecting Jerri, who the Heroes ended up putting their five votes on. While only one idol needed to be played, Parvati was correct in her assumption that the Heroes would target either Jerri or Sandra, and she was right.
This is still one of the best idol plays in Survivor history and proves that Parvati is one of the best players of all-time.