15. Yul Kwon (Cook Islands, Winners at War)
One of the best winners is Yul Kwon, who won Cook Islands. He was able to find the Super Idol early on in the game and used that to switch Penner over to his side and control things post-merge. Not only did Yul gain control of the game, but he made smart moves along the way, like taking Penner out to gain favor of Adam and Parvati who would soon be on the jury.
Yul looked to be someone who could make it far on Winners at War, but he was blindsided shortly before the merge after the tribe swap, which occurred due to the three voting him out having formed a pre-game alliance.
Even with his blindside on Winners at War, Yul’s win on Cook Islands is still one of the best we’ve ever seen.
14. Ozzy Lusth (Cook Islands, Micronesia, South Pacific, Game Changers)
It’s a little odd that Ozzy Lusth, who lost to Yul in Cook Islands, is ranked ahead of him on here, but to be fair, Ozzy appeared in three other seasons and made a deep run every time. He was a physical threat in all four of his seasons and was blindsided in two of those four seasons as a result of that.
Ozzy came really close to making his second final tribal council in South Pacific, but Sophie won that final immunity challenge and he was voted out as a result. Otherwise, he probably wins that season.
To be honest, I’ve never been a huge Ozzy fan because of his sense of entitlement. He always whines when he doesn’t get his way and acts as though his fellow castaways should just hand him the money. That being said, I understand why Ozzy is ranked this high because there’s no arguing his legacy and what he means to the history of Survivor.