Parvati Shallow is one of the best players in Survivor history. Let’s take a look at some of her best moves throughout her four seasons.
Making it to the end of Survivor is hard enough as it is, but it’s even more difficult to do when you’re one of the biggest targets in the entire game. Somehow, even with that being the case on two separate occasions, Parvati Shallow was able to make it to end not once, but twice.
While Parvati played a pretty mellow game in Cook Islands, she made it a point to play more aggressively in Micronesia and in doing so, became a Survivor legend and icon. Her win in Micronesia is considered one of the best wins in Survivor history and she came oh so close to being the show’s first ever two-time winner on Heroes vs Villains.
Many argue that Parvati’s runner-up game in Heroes vs Villains was actually better than her win on Micronesia and those arguments wouldn’t be wrong. She’s an all-around skilled player in the game of Survivor and that’s shown with her ability to make it to the end twice and also make the jury in her other two seasons.
Parvati’s Survivor journey has been a fun one, so let’s take a trip down memory lane and look at her best moves.
Parvati’s Biggest Moves on Survivor – Number 6: Leaving the Idol on Exile
This is something we vaguely saw during the airing of Survivor: Micronesia, but there have been further revelations about it as the years have gone on (can you believe this season aired in freaking 2008?).
When it got down to the final five, the girls couldn’t risk sending Erik to Exile Island even if he was the odd man out (literally). She told Amanda to talk to Erik about sending Parvati over Natalie or anyone else, so that way the idol could stay out of Erik’s hands.
Erik listened to Amanda, sending Parvati to Exile. We saw Parvati mention during the episode that she didn’t bother looking for the idol because she didn’t need it and neither did her alliance. There’s been some buzz on Reddit that Parvati actually found the idol, but left it on Exile because at that point, having it around could have made her a target.
Whether she found the idol and purposely left it behind or just didn’t look for it all together, this was a smart and underrated move by Parvati.