Parvati’s Biggest Moves on Survivor – Number 5: Convincing Amanda to Idol Out Alexis
When it got down to the final six, there were the five remaining members of the Black Widow Brigade alliance (more on that shortly) and Erik, who was the easy target to go next. Erik spoiled the women’s plans by winning immunity though, so Plan B appeared to be targeting Amanda Kimmel, who was Parvati’s closest ally.
Amanda was viewed as a threat because she wasn’t a part of the Ozzy blindside, therefore not upsetting him, and she had also formed bonds with just about every person the jury (sans Eliza). Amanda knew her butt was in trouble, so she made it her mission to find the Hidden Immunity Idol (with Parvati’s help).
Amanda wanted to take out Natalie Bolton, but Parvati thought it’d be a better idea to target Alexis Jones, who was a motivational speaker and would absolutely slay in front of a jury. Taking Alexis out over Natalie proved to be huge down the line because who knows if Alexis would have been able to convince Erik to give up the idol? We might not have had that iconic moment.
Not only did Parvati prove her loyalty to Amanda by refusing to vote her out at that point, but she was able to get just as big of a threat out of the game.