Best Blindside from Survivor: Phillipines – Jeff
When Jeff was blindsided in Survivor: Philippines, it sure felt like it was either going to be a returning player or Malcolm himself was going to blindsided. Once Malcolm caught wind of the plan, however, he noted that he would be playing his Hidden Immunity Idol (even though he didn’t end up doing so).
With Penner immune, it ended up coming down to Pete and Jeff as the two in question of going home. Had Penner not cast a throwaway vote for Abi, it’d have been a tie, but instead, Jeff left the game puzzled as to what had happened.
Best Blindside from Survivor: Caramoan – Andrea
Andrea was on a roll in Survivor: Caramoan, which was her second time playing. She had a Hidden Immunity Idol and looked to be pulling the strings in the majority alliance at the merge. That’s precisely why she had to go.
Cochran, Dawn, Brenda, and the rest of Andrea’s alliance pulled the wool over her eyes and it was pretty hilarious as more and more votes for Andrea popped up because she was clearly stunned. Her yelling “WHAT?!” as her name came up multiple times is still one of the funniest Survivor moments.
Poor Andrea. If she had gotten past this tribal council, she probably had a good chance to win Caramoan. Guess it wasn’t meant to be.