Best Blindside from Survivor: San Juan Del Sur – Baylor
Survivor: San Juan Del Sur had some excellent blindsides near the end of the game, but most people remember Baylor’s the most. Baylor, Missy (her mom), and Keith voted against Jaclyn at tribal council and were it not for an epic idol play from Natalie (“Jaclyn did you vote for who I told you to vote for?”), Jaclyn would have gone home.
Instead, all three votes for Jaclyn were negated and Baylor had the other two, sending her home. Baylor had a bad reputation on San Juan Del Sur, but the 20-year-old took her blindside well and was a good sport about it. It’s still one of the best blindsides there is.
Best Blindside from Survivor: Worlds Apart – Dan
Dan was able to control most of the game in Survivor: Worlds Apart, but after Mike continued to win immunity, Dan’s alliance was forced to turn on each other and unfortunately for him, he was on the short end of the stick.
Dan was targeted due to the double vote advantage that he held and his alliance knew about. He used it to try to get Carolyn out, but she played her idol and her and Mike’s votes went Dan’s way, giving him the majority when it was all said and done.