The best blindside from every season of Survivor

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Best Blindside from Survivor: David vs Goliath – John

Survivor: David vs Goliath is one of the best seasons from the 30s and it had one of the best blindsides ever in the first ever minority vote split. John and his Goliath majority alliance targeted Christian, but due to a correct Hidden Immunity Idol play by Davie for Christian, the seven votes sent Christian’s way were negated.

The Goliaths had an idol of their own, but played it on Angelina, who only received two votes. The other three votes went John’s way and he was the victim of the first ever successful minority vote split.

Best Blindside from Survivor: Edge of Extinction – Ron

Ron was in a good position to make it far in Survivor: Edge of Extinction, but soon the others realized what a big threat he was and while Devens was public enemy number one, the others planned to split the votes between him and Ron in case an idol was played. Ron had voted correctly at every tribal council to that point.

After Ron tried to embarrass Devens by giving him an expired advantage, Devens used an idol to negate four votes against him. Three votes went Ron’s way, which was the majority. Ron was blindsided and sent to the Edge.