The best blindside from every season of Survivor

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Best Blindside from Survivor: Island of the Idols – Janet

Survivor: Island of the Idols had several good blindsides worthy of this spot, but Janet’s elimination was the biggest blindside of the season, simply because she was on trajectory to win the season if she were able to get to the end.

Janet had a Hidden Immunity Idol and planned to use it to get to the final four and then figured she’d be forced to make fire to get to the end. Her mistake was telling Tommy about her plan because Tommy viewed her as his biggest competition to win the game (and he was right).

So, at the final five, Tommy had ratted Janet out and Dean successfully played his Idol Nullifier against Janet. This one still hurts because Janet would have been an awesome winner.

Best Blindside from Survivor: Winners at War – Sophie

I REALLY wanted to go with Sandra here because of how shocking it was when Survivor: Winners at War was airing, but an even bigger one happened in the post-merge stage and that was Sophie getting blindsided with an idol in her pocket.

At this point of the game, Sophie was low-key running the show. She had a Hidden Immunity Idol at her disposal as well as a solid alliance with Sarah as her right-hand woman and many Winners at War contestants have stated that if Sophie wasn’t taken out when she was, she’d have gone on to win the game.

Tony took charge with this vote-off, targeting Sophie while she went after Jeremy. Four votes were enough to blindside Sophie and she left the game with an idol in her pocket.


dark. Next. Ranking Every Three-Time Player in Survivor History

Those were some EPIC blindsides! Which ones do you feel were snubbed from their respective season? Let me know in the comment section below.