9. Jeremy Collins (San Juan Del Sur, Cambodia, Winners at War)
I’ll be honest – I didn’t expect to see Jeremy Collins this high on the list, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t deserving of his number nine ranking. Jeremy was on pace to win San Juan Del Sur, but was screwed over when alliance member Julie quit. He was then blindsided due to his high threat level.
He learned from his mistakes when he returned for Survivor: Cambodia and rode that all the way to the end where he won in a unanimous vote. There’s been a lot of debate if Jeremy played the show’s third perfect game due to him getting all of the jury votes, but the pushback is that he actually did receive votes throughout the season, though they were negated by him playing an idol.
Jeremy playing his idol for Fishbach in Cambodia was huge when it happened and was a brilliant move. He showed his loyalty to Fishbach while also getting who he perceived to be a threat out in Ciera. The fact that he won a season as tough as Cambodia, which was dubbed as Second Chance, in a unanimous vote proves even more how dominant it was.
While Jeremy was on the wrong side of the numbers early in Winners at War, he made it to the final seven despite being a huge threat. Jeremy does get overlooked sometimes when it comes to ranking the winners, but he is definitely a top tier winner for his victory in Cambodia.