It must be tough to play a perfect game in Survivor if only two players have been able to accomplish such a feat.
When people list their favorite winners or those who they feel are the best to ever win the game, a lot of the names you’ll hear are Parvati (Micronesia), Rob (Redemption Island), Kim (One World), and Tony (Cagayan and Winners at War) yet none of these players came close to notching a perfect game.
- Parvati received four votes during Micronesia and won the final vote 5-3.
- Rob was targeted by the Zapatera tribe in Redemption Island, receiving seven votes post-merge. He didn’t win unanimously either, as Ralph voted for Phillip, giving Rob a 8-1-0 win.
- Kim has the best win in Survivor history, but even she didn’t get through her dominant win unscathed, as her name was written down three times. Even then, she didn’t win the game in a unanimous vote, as the final tally was 7-2 in favor of Kim.
- Tony had five votes sent his way in Cagayan and won 8-1 over Woo. He made it through Winners at War without having his name written down – an impressive feat for sure – but Natalie received four votes at the final tribal council, which meant no perfect game for Tony in his second win.
These winners were some of the best the show has ever seen, yet even they didn’t come close to notching perfect games, proving just how tough it is. J.T. and Cochran deserve more respect than they’re sometimes given for their abilities to play the only two perfect games in the history of the show.
J.T. is usually ranked pretty high in the winner’s rankings, but Cochran’s win isn’t one that’s discussed as much and my guess as to why is because of the theme of that season. The fans were pretty lackluster, but only three fans made it to the merge, meaning that Cochran went up against the best of the best post-merge.
The big controversy surrounding perfect games in Survivor is Jeremy’s win in Cambodia. Is it still a perfect game if he had three votes cast against him that he was able to negate with an idol play? What do you all think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!