Most Invisible Survivor Contestants – – Number 15: Brenda, Caramoan (13)
One of the strangest edits ever was the one Brenda Lowe received on Survivor: Caramoan. She was originally on Survivor: Nicaragua and is the only player to have returned from that season to play again.
Brenda was someone who appeared to be in a really good position to win the game and her blindside is one of the better ones from Caramoan. The problem was that we barely saw anything of Brenda’s game to really know if she was a legitimate threat or not.
The only time we really got to see Brenda was when she found Dawn’s teeth in the water (that was a real thing that happened) and then forced Dawn to remove those same teeth at the final tribal council (again, this really happened) because she was angry about being blindsided. Otherwise, Brenda was practically invisible all throughout Caramoan.
She had only 13 confessionals with 12 of them coming in her final three episodes. Brenda had a confessional in the premiere and then didn’t have her second one until episode 10. Caramoan was a bad season as it is, but the editing made it a whole lot worse.
Brenda deserved better and it’s sad that her legacy from season 26 (and overall if we’re being honest) was Teeth Gate.