Survivor: Most invisible contestants of all-time
Most Invisible Survivor Contestants – – Number 14: Brett, Samoa (12)
Remember Brett Clouser from Survivor: Samoa? You don’t? No worries, only diehards probably do and even that’s a stretch. Brett was another victim to the Russell Hantz Show and no one really even knew he was on the show until the final few episodes when he went on an immunity run and was close to winning the season.
When Samoa was all said and done, Brett received just 12 confessionals (Russell had 108 — nearly 100 more than Brett) and nine of those came in the final three episodes. Brett was one immunity challenge victory away from winning Samoa, so you’d think the editors could have at least given him a little bit more of an edit, but we had to listen to Russell talk about how water is wet instead.
Brett was one of the many Samoa castaways who were ignored while Russell received over 100 confessionals and took screen time away from everyone else. Brett might not have been the most interesting person, but even if he was, we’d have no idea.