Most Invisible Survivor Contestants – – Number 23: Dave, Samoa (16)
When viewers did see Dave Ball on their screens during Survivor: Samoa, they were usually chuckling about something he said or did. The guy was a character, but unfortunately Samoa was the Russell Hantz Show and not many others got a chance to say anything.
There will be a lot of Samoa contestants on this list, but Dave kicks things off, having just 16 confessionals through his 12 total episodes, with only two in his final four episodes. One of the best lines Dave gave during his season was when Jeff Probst asked him during a challenge if baseball was his sport and he responded with, “Making love is my sport.”
Not many people probably remember Danger Dave, which is unfortunate. He was funny and if given more screen time, he’d likely have been a fan favorite. Instead, he’s most remembered for being in one of Shambo’s weird dreams. I’m not making that up.