Most Invisible Survivor Contestants – – Number 20: Angela, Ghost Island (15)
I mentioned earlier how Samoa was one of the worst edited seasons of all time, but Ghost Island is right up there too. Angela Perkins came in fourth place yet had only 15 confessionals and was barely on screen the entire season.
Instead, every scene involved Domenick, who had 68 total confessionals that season despite not even being the winner (Wendell had 39, for what it’s worth). Angela didn’t seem interested in playing the game and that seemed to be the case with most of the Ghost Island cast.
Angela had an intriguing background and even said in her CBS bio that she’d be the player people remembered from this season, which couldn’t be further from the truth. She was an Army veteran who could have brought a lot to the show, but instead, she was shafted. We’re not anywhere close to being done with Ghost Island yet.