96. Burton Roberts (Pearl Islands)
For those who watch Pearl Islands but already know the placings, they might be surprised to see Burton voted out fourth. He ends up returning as part of the Outcasts twist and even though the twist was bad, Burton helped make Pearl Islands what it was.
He and Jonny FairPlay looked to be well on their ways to make it to the top two together, but the other contestants were smart enough to take him out when he didn’t win immunity at the final five. Otherwise, there’s a good chance he would have gone on to win the game.
95. Shane Powers (Panama)
One of the biggest travesties in Survivor is that fans haven’t gotten to see Shane return since his initial season in Survivor: Panama. He was supposedly going to be a villain on Heroes vs Villains and was also an option to vote for on Cambodia, but obviously, we know he didn’t end up making it on.
Shane was so memorable because his attitude and his arguments with Courtney were priceless, especially the apartment one (you know what I’m talking about). Shane was blindsided at the final five, but the fact that he made it that far despite driving everyone crazy is insane.