42. Adam Klein (Millennials vs Gen X, Winners at War)
The third straight winner to appear on the list is Adam, who won Millennials vs Gen X. Most people probably remember Adam on his initial season for his heartbreaking storyline about his mother who had stage four lung cancer and died before he was officially crowned the winner.
Adam found idols when he needed to and was a really good player who let the bigger threats go after each other while he stood back and watched. Of course, people now remember Adam for trying to play the podium at tribal council in Winners at War, but don’t get it twisted – Adam was a good player in his first season.
41. Stephenie LaGrossa (Palau, Guatemala, Heroes vs Villains)
Stephenie was one of the original sweethearts of Survivor, capturing everyone’s hearts on Palau when her Ulong tribe was decimated and she was the last remaining member. She was SO popular that she was asked back immediately to be a captain in Guatemala.
Well, her stint on Guatemala saw her become more of a villain and she made it all the way to the end, only to lose 6-1 to Danni in the final vote. If Stephenie played that same game in a newer school season, she wins that season and we probably see her on Winners at War.
Sadly, Stephenie was booted second in Heroes vs Villains because James LOATHED her, but that doesn’t take away from what she did in her two previous appearances. She’s one of the all-time greats.