Most underrated Survivor seasons of all-time
Most Underrated Seasons in Survivor History: No. 1: Kaoh Rong
Survivor: Kaoh Rong is appreciated by fans, but not as much as it should be. It’s a GREAT season, filled with a fun cast, interesting storylines, and shocking tribal councils. What’s also awesome about Kaoh Rong is that it didn’t take tons of advantages to make the season interesting, as the cast did that on its own.
Kaoh Rong is one of the few seasons where both the pre-merge and post-merge are solid. The pre-merge provided us the drama surrounding Alecia and the rest of the brawn tribe yet she survived two tribal councils somehow. Jennifer standing up at the second tribal council and making a declaration of her loyalty to the tribe, only to be voted out moments later also occurred in the pre-merge portion of the game.
Post-merge, there was the situation where Scot and Jason made it their mission to sabotage the rest of the tribe and kept pouring water on the fire and causing havoc. They were true villains and every great season of Survivor tends to have at least one ruthless villain to root against. It’s something the show has been lacking in recent years (in fact – Kaoh Rong is one of the last seasons to have legitimate villains).
There was also the moment with Scot and Tai where the two could combine their idols to make a Super Idol, yet when Scot was voted out, Tai refused his half of the idol. I believe the hashtag used on the bottom right of the screen in that episode was simply #Wow.
Part of why people soured on Kaoh Rong is because of how it ended. Many felt that Aubry deserved the win and while I don’t disagree, Michele showed in Winners at War that she has what it takes to make it far in the game. She had something to prove to everyone, made it to the end again, and became a fan favorite because of what she did in her second season.
I really enjoyed Kaoh Rong on a rewatch and it’s currently in my top 10 seasons. The cast was flawless and the drama was non-stop despite advantages not being a big part of the game, giving us the feel of an old-school season. If I had to give fans a season of Survivor to start with, Kaoh Rong would probably be the season I’d suggest.
Survivor: Kaoh Rong is the most underrated season in Survivor history.
What do you think of my list and which seasons do you consider to be underrated?