Survivor 48 has shifted the game into its next phase with a much-needed and long-awaited tribe switch. The original Civa, Vula, and Lagi are no more, as the remaining fifteen players were randomly swapped into three new teams. Regardless of who has the majority in numbers of the former tribes, there's still a crucial factor that can determine who stays in the game: winning challenges through its tribe's strength.
During the first eight days of the game, fans saw how the OG Lagi and Civa tribes dominated the challenges and, therefore, got to the swap intact, as opposed to the Vula tribe, which was decimated when it lost three out of its six members in a row. The Lagi tribe, in particular, seemed too physically staked compared to the less muscular Vula, with even the Vula tribe being branded as the underdogs from the very first episode.
While unbalanced tribes present an uphill battle for some players, this tribe switch might have changed the trajectory of this season for others. For better or for worse, there are three new tribes in Survivor 48, and based purely on a strength perspective, here are its rankings ranging from the weakest to the strongest tribe:

3. Civa
Members: Mitch, Chrissy, Bianca, Sai, and Cedrek
At first glance, the new Civa tribe appears to be the weakest physically of the three, as the brawnier people on the cast were split into Lagi and Vula. Two out of its five members have repeatedly gone to tribal council, and Sai and Cedrek's relationship is hanging on by a thread that could get cut at any moment. There are also Mitch and Chrissy, who weren't close allies on the OG Civa either, as Chrissy was part of the majority alliance and Mitch wasn't, making their bond practically nonexistent.
Then there's Bianca, the only person on Civa without a duo, which is a precarious place to be in if the pairs mentioned above decide to stay together. Still, it also gives her a chance of being a coveted swing vote. Also, Bianca and Sai were shown to be growing closer, which then would leave Cedrek adrift. Civa needs to stay on top of the next couple of challenges; otherwise, the haunting past of the OG Vula might come back and haunt Civa instead.

2. Lagi
Members: David, Charity, Star, Eva, and Mary
The Lagi tribe has a distinct difference from the other two tribes: none of its members, aside from Mary, have gone to tribal council. While this is a plus, it could also be their biggest weakness, as its players' true allegiances haven't been tested yet.
Star and Eva have never been allies, even when they were on the OG Lagi together, with Eva even metaphorically handing Star's name on a silver platter to the others in the latest episode, leading to believe their rift might implode sooner rather than later. On the other hand, David and Charity, who were on the OG Civa, were never on the same side either. While David and Charity's relationship isn't as tenuous as Eva and Star's, David has repeatedly stated he is willing to vote out Charity if it comes to it, as he doesn't trust her.
While Lagi doesn't lack physical strength, they might tumble if they can't set their differences aside, which is why they're in the middle of this ranking.

1. Vula
Members: Shauhin, Joe, Kyle and Kamilla
When the new Vula tribe was formed, a common thought crossed practically everyone's minds, both on and off the island: the Survivor gods had bestowed their favor upon them, and this was the tribe to beat. Vula had an even split of brains, brawn, and even beauty- and its members knew it. They even showed off their grandeur before competing in their first immunity challenge together in front of their competitors and Jeff Probst himself. However, Survivor is fickle, as Vula's overconfidence worked against them, and the tribe ended up going to tribal council once again.
While Vula lost Thomas (one of the show's most memorable and fun villains), it still seems to be the most stacked tribe this season. If the remains of the California Girls and the future Oscar winners, Kyle and Kamilla, can work together as a fearsome foursome, they do have the potential to get to the merge intact.