Jeff Probst has been the host of Survivor for all 48 seasons of the hit reality TV series, and he knew the show was going to be "interesting" from his first day on the beach in Survivor: Borneo in 2000.
In a new interview with CBS News before the premiere of Survivor 48, Jeff Probst was asked when he knew the show would be a hit, and I think he had the perfect response.
"Day 1 of season 1," Jeff said.
We're going all the way back to the beginning of the game. While it's fun to mock Jeff for somehow knowing this reality show would be a hit, he makes a very good point in his justification about why he felt like they had something special in Survivor. And, it doesn't have anything to do with immunity or Tribal Council or the gameplay or the prize. It's all about the players.
"When I knew Survivor was going to be interesting was the first day of the first season," Jeff said. "When we abandoned everybody on the beach and Richard Hatch, who ended up winning the first season, got up in a power position in a tree, and he was looking down on everyone, and he said, 'I think we need to talk. I think we should all talk.' And, Sue Hawk, a truck driver from Wisconsin, looked up and said, 'Where I'm from, we work while we talk."
"There's the show, a collision of people from different walks of life who are going to have to rely on each other and conspire against each other. And, those two did that the entire game."
So, that's the moment for Jeff that really clicked, when Richard and Sue went toe-to-toe on the first day on the beach. It's so wild because, while I can't remember that moment, I do remember watching that season as a kid and being blown away at what I was watching. To this day, I don't think I've ever seen a show quite like Survivor even though many imitators have tried. Those first few seasons were absolutely brutal. Not that today's game isn't, but it's just different, you know?
"Didn't know it would be popular, but I knew that's what I was hoping I would sign up for, a study of humanity, of behavior," Jeff finished.
Now, did Jeff see it becoming the biggest reality show of all time? Did he see it running for 50 seasons, which is what the show is signed up for? What about all the spinoffs of Survivor across the world and all the copycat challenge shows? That's another question. I have to imagine Jeff, and producer Mark Burnett, had no idea this is what the show would turn into.
So, that's the moment for Probst! I have a feeling if you asked the Day 1 fans when they knew if it was a hit or not, they would say the same thing. This show was just a game-changer in the TV landscape!