Players who should be safe in episode 2
Rachel LaMont

Tribe: Gata
Through the drama surrounding Andy in the season premiere, Rachel probably showed the most game acumen of anyone in her tribe. Despite that, she still voted out Jon, knowing Andy would be difficult to trust in the future.
Still, she showed awareness when Andy wanted to go and sit with her in the middle of the night. She knew it wouldn't look good to others if it looked like they were too close. She has a good relationship with everyone else in the tribe, and something would have to go terribly wrong for the target to move to her this early.
Sol Yi

Tribe: Lavo
During the daunting immunity challenge, Sol was a beast, keeping his tribe in the thick of things. He doesn't look as strong as he displayed during the challenge.
So far, he hasn't rubbed anyone the wrong way, and if his tribemates see how valuable he is in challenges, surely he will be able to earn his keep until the game gets closer to the merge, where his strength may become a detriment to him.
Teeny Chirichillo

Tribe: Lavo
Teeny has been playing the most overtly social game of anyone through the first few days. She has developed a relationship with just about everyone, except maybe Rome.
Her strong social strategy could play well with her new-era tribemates, but eventually, it could haunt her, as she seems to be working alliances with just about everyone. She's likable and seemingly sincere. As long as she can contribute to challenges, she should be safe.
As for the Tuku tribe, no one on the Tuku tribe is safe heading into episode 2!
This tribe is a bit of an unknown right now. Most of their air time in the first episode focused on Gabe and his search for an idol and TK, who looks to be a physical and social threat. His game might seem like an overall threat to the others.
Since Gabe has an idol, he might seem to be the obvious choice to be safe, but it is so early. He could be a prime blindside candidate if others come to suspect. No one else has stood out as a clear target should this tribe lose immunity.
Watch Survivor 47 episode 2 on Wednesday, Sept. 25, on CBS and Paramount+!