After the tribal vote that saw Sol voted out of Survivor 47, the return to the Beka beach saw an emotional Teeny confront Genevieve over her blindside. And while the two women did have a one-on-one chat, it is clear that this vote put a wedge between them in a lot of ways.
As a new day dawns on Survivor, Andy is working hard to cement his alliances. And not only does he seem to have Sam still on his side (for now), but it also looks like Kyle and Rachel are in the mix as well. Even Genevieve might be part of his group of potential people to work with, but Sam points out that he thinks that she is dangerous to their game, so she may not survive in the game long enough to be a tool for him.

Reward Challenge
The players are divided into three teams of three and their feet and hands will be tethered to their bodies. They have to use their head to push a ball through the sand. When all three players get to a mat, one player must roll a ball on a table into a raised hole at the end before the next player goes.
The winning trio wins a reward that includes a day at the sanctuary with food and sweets. There will be wraps, salads, fruit, chicken, iced tea, and even cake.
The three teams are as follows:
- Yellow Team: Genevieve, Sue and Teeny
- Red Team: Andy, Caroline and Gabe
- Blue Team: Rachel, Sam and Kyle
Kyle quickly gets out to an early lead, but Genevieve is pretty close behind him, with Andy using his teeth to get his ball over the first mound of sand. Blue is in the lead with Rachel actually passing Genevieve and Andy who have yet to finish their first round. However, Andy quickly finishes, followed by Rachel, and finally Genevieve.
Blue ends up getting through the sand first and now they must attempt to get their ball in the hole on the first table. Even as the Red Team makes an epic comeback thanks to Gabe, they simply can't overcome the lead held by the Blue Team.
Before the other teams can even get to the mat, the three members of the Blue Team are able to get their balls into the raised holes on each table. This means that they are getting the trip to the sanctuary for food.
At the Sanctuary and Beka beach after the Reward Challenge
At the sanctuary, Rachel, Sam, and Kyle dig right into the food and the three really talk about the game. Sam admits that he feels like he has been struggling lately. Kyle also points out that he believes that Gabe is a threat.
Kyle wants to make a move. He wants to get Gabe out of the game, and Sam is willing to work with him. While the guys are talking, Rachel seems to be ignored. She wants Genevieve out.
At one point, Sam and Rachel get a chance for a one-on-one, where she calls him out for immediately going behind her back to tell Sol about the plan to vote him out. But they may have sorted that out, it just depends if their interests align.
Back at the Beka beach, Andy and Sue have a chat that seems to have them agreeing to align with each other. Andy knows that Sue doesn't like Kyle and he is playing on that.
Gabe, Teeny, and Caroline are also having a chat and Gabe admits that he is worried about Kyle. He thinks that Kyle will betray him. Genevieve even says that if Kyle is at the end of the game, she will vote for him.
After getting back from the Sanctuary, Sam has a chat with Andy and Teeny about voting out Gabe. But in his private chat with production, he admits that he will betray them after he is done using them.
In the night, Teeny seems to be struggling. And she even admits that she is feeling really low. But when her bag catches fire, it seems to light one in her that rejuvenates her in a way that we didn't expect.

The Immunity Challenge
For the Immunity Challenge, the Survivor players have to balance a ball on a wooden disk while balancing on a small strip of wood. Over time, they will be adding more balls to the disk. But there is a chance to earn rice. But to get the rice, four people need to sit out.
When Jeff asks if anyone is willing to sit out, they try to negotiate. Kyle asks if Jeff will negotiate with them if they are all willing to give up their shot in the dark. Sam is the only one who is struggling to give up his shot in the dark, but after Gabe gives a speech about how your vote is your life in the game and rice offers strength, Sam says he doesn't want to withhold rice from the rest of his tribe.
Everyone agrees that they will give up their shot in the dark for rice. And Jeff agrees to this trade. This means everyone still gets to play for a chance at immunity and everyone gets a chance to enjoy rice.
Now it is on to the actual challenge. While they seem to start strong, the wind does try to take some of our players out, but everyone survives and they are all able to make it to the next stage with a second ball.
Caroline drops and is the first person out and Andy is the second person out after the win takes him out in the first minute of this new round. Rachel is the third player out as the wind quickly takes out Genevieve right after her. Next out is Gabe.
In the final round, we have Teeny, Kyle, Sam, and Sue. Now they have all three balls on their board. The first person out in this round is Teeny. And the wind is back to cause problems for the remaining three. The wind leads to Sam dropping. Now it is down to Kyle and Sue against each other and the wind. Sadly for Sue her balls drop, and Kyle wins his fourth tribal immunity.
Pre-Tribal Chats
While there are some discussions about taking out Gabe, others are trying to get Genevieve out. Gabe especially is pushing for Genevieve out, and it sounds like Teeny might be down for that.
Honestly, it is a bit of a mess because it feels like there are so many conversations on who the best choice is. But it sounds like Genevieve and Gabe are the two in danger, with more people leaning towards Genevieve prior to the tribal council.
Genevieve and Gabe start talking, and they both agree they are the biggest targets. And neither of them seems to know which way the votes will go. So while we seem to have a 50-50 chance of seeing either Genevieve or Gabe going home, we really don't know who will be voted out next on Survivor 47.
Tribal Council
It's a wet tribal council meeting and, unlike the last episode when they were still trying to figure out if Sol was getting voted out, this time things seem so much calmer. In a lot of ways, it seems like they all know what is happening at this tribal council.
That being said, it was interesting to have Jeff talking to them about all giving up their shot in the dark. And it is clear that Sierra and Sol are shocked to hear that they all agreed to give up their last chance in the game. But at the same time, Sam admits that he gave up his shot in the dark so as to not put a target on his back by withholding rice from his tribe.
The tribe admits to Jeff that they are currently going "threat hunting." They want to take out their biggest threats now, while they still can.
After what turns out to be a relatively calm tribal council, it is time to vote.
Gabe is the 10th player voted out of Survivor 47
With no advantages or idols, it is between Gabe and Genevieve with one of the two set to become the next to end up going home. This is not an easy vote, as Gabe quickly gets more votes than Genevieve and ends up as the 10th person voted out, even with two votes going towards Genevieve.
Clearly, the tribe believed he was the biggest threat to Genevieve. It also sounds like perhaps Teeny may have a target on her back now after Gabe says to her that she has a "little snake in her."