The Traitors recap: Who got banished in The Traitors season 3 episode 6?

The Traitors season 3 episode 6 found the Traitors in hot water, but did the Faithfuls manage to banish one of them by the episode's end?
THE TRAITORS -- "Let Battle Commence" Episode 301 -- Pictured: Danielle Reyes
THE TRAITORS -- "Let Battle Commence" Episode 301 -- Pictured: Danielle Reyes | Photo by: Euan Cherry/Peacock

Just when we thought the tensions between season’s Traitors couldn’t get any higher, the Traitors of season 3 cranked that dial all the way up to the max! 

In the previous episode of The Traitors, Danielle and Carolyn were left reeling after Boston Rob successfully took aim at Bob the Drag Queen and served him up to the Faithfuls at the banishment. Needless to say, Rob’s decision did not sit well with either of his two Traitors as distrust among the group quickly spread with Danielle and Carolyn worried about whether they could be next on Rob’s list.

It looked like the pair might team up to take Rob down, but Danielle instead took aim at Carolyn and began planting seeds of doubt among her fellow players in hopes of taking Carolyn down at the banishment. Danielle, meanwhile, also began to draw suspicion on her own by making some really sus choices during the week’s challenge, passing up a shield twice which raised some eyebrows among the group heading into the roundtable banishment. 

Neither Danielle nor Carolyn’s name came up at all as it was Nikki the group banished, but things are about to get interesting! As the episode came to a close, Dylan revealed to Carolyn that Danielle had been floating her name out to the group as a potential Traitor. Needless to say, Carolyn was not happy at all about this and the promo for episode 6 hinted that Danielle and Carolyn were about to face off in a heated exchange during the banishment roundtable.

The Traitors - Season 3
THE TRAITORS -- "All This Murderous Power" Episode 305 -- Pictured: (l-r) Bob Harper, Chrishell Stause | Photo by: Euan Cherry/Peacock

Who is murdered in The Traitors season 3 episode 6?

As the episode picks up, we rejoin the Traitors in the turret as Carolyn calls out Danielle for trying to get her banished. Rob tries to ease the tensions, but Carolyn makes it clear there is no one she’d rather murder than the two of them. Danielle assures Carolyn that she’ll make things right the next day and asks for a clean slate, but it’s clear the riff between the Traitors is growing. 

With Dolores and Ciara safe with shields, Rob tosses out the idea of killing Wes first. He then suggests Bob H because he had called Rob out during the roundtable and seemed to be on his case, which is when Danielle then suggests Ivar. Rob agrees with her that no one will banish Ivar as they see him as the ultimate Faithful. So it’s clear one of these three will be murdered. 

While Danielle attempted to steer the group toward Wes in recognizing him as a strong strategic player,  Rob once again somehow managed to get his way as it was Bob H who was murdered by the Traitors. Rob argued that there were already some suspicions that one of the three players who joined the game late is a Traitor and saw Bob H as an imminent threat against him.  

Needless to say, Bob H’s murder shocks everyone and seeds quickly begin getting planted before the week’s challenge. Derrick makes it clear he believes Rob is a Traitor and they need to act fast, so he actively starts working to get support and attempts to loop Wes in to help with his plan. Ironically, Rob begins tossing Wes’s name out to the group while Carolyn seems to set her sights on Danielle.

The Traitors - Season 3
THE TRAITORS -- "A Dysfunctional Family" Episode 306 -- Pictured: Danielle Reyes | Photo by: Euan Cherry/Peacock

The Traitors continue turning on one another

At the challenge, there is $30k on the line as well as two shields. The group is broken up into three smaller groups of five players and they must head out into the woods to search for crates in order to gather enough gunpowder to fill a large barrel needed to ignite an explosion to take out a massive Traitor statue. The group is successful in the task and banks the money for the prize fund, while Carolyn, Dylan, and Chrishell get shields. 

Everyone agrees to keep the identity of the shield holders secret, but the only players truly safe are Chrishell, Derrick, Sam, Britney, and Dolores as there was no Traitor in their group meaning the Traitors truly have no idea who in that group has the shield. This could help keep the five players safe come the next murder. 

Between hunting down the shields and gunpowder, Gabby confirms to Carolyn that Danielle had tossed her name out and Carolyn is truly done with Danielle and her lies. It’s of no surprise that Carolyn tries to rally support for targeting Danielle at the roundtable, but the bigger focus of the conversations before the roundtable comes as Rob pushes to gain support in targeting Wes and Derrick works to get others on board with voting out Rob. 

Derrick hints to Danielle he’s going to go for Rob, which could give her the opening she’s been looking for to target Rob. Oddly, he isn’t as upfront with Britney and and plays coy when she asks if he is leading the charge against Rob as he’s afraid she might give Rob a heads up. Little does he know, Chrishell does just that in telling Rob she’s been hearing his name and Wes’s name tossed out most heading into the roundtable.

The Traitors - Season 3
THE TRAITORS -- "A Dysfunctional Family" Episode 306 -- Pictured: (l-r) Alan Cumming, Sam Asghari, Lord Ivar Mountbatten, Rob Mariano, Dolores Catania, Danielle Reyes, Gabby Windey, Derrick Levasseur, Tom Sandoval, Chrishell Stause, Britney Haynes, Ciara Miller, Dylan Efron, Carolyn Wiger | Photo by: Euan Cherry/Peacock

Who was banished on The Traitors tonight, January 30? 

Funny enough, the roundtable begins with a pointless thread as Dolores starts and calls out Tom for saying her name earlier in the day as a potential Traitor. Derrick eventually shuts that down and begins to take aim at Rob. 

As Derrick tells the group, when Rob targeted Bob the Drag Queen, he gave a great speech which left Bob the Drag Queen noticeably shocked. He then points out how Bob the Drag Queen could have easily piled on to the arguments about Nikki which came up, but still voted for Rob. Derrick brilliantly deduces that he believes that when the players turned Rob away at the beginning of the game, Alan made him a Traitor. Derrick reminds that group that Bob H had called Rob out at the previous roundtable and was clearly onto him only to then be murdered in the morning. In closing, he points out that there is no reason the Traitors should be keeping Rob around if he were truly a Faithful due to his strategic mind. 

Rob doesn’t really fight the allegations and instead seems to deflect off to Ivar, asking why the Traitors haven’t killed him when he’s such a good Faithful, before taking his shot at his true target: Wes. Rob points out that Danielle, Carolyn, and Dolores’s names all came from Wes. 

Wes chimes in and encourages the group to remember when Bob the Drag Queen told the group they needed to get one of the new guys out as one was like a Traitor and that moment gave Rob the ammunition he needed to go for Bob the Drag Queen and tells the group Rob even said in the moment that they needed to target him. 

It looks like maybe the duo of Derrick and Wes will be able to present a strong case, but Wes ends up shooting himself in the foot with his gameplay. 

Gabby calls Wes out for how he always asks for blind loyalty, while Chrishell argues that Wes comes off too aggressive. Wes says he is aggressive and that’s how he plays, and it’s why he’s the most achieved person in the room. Just as he promises the group he’ll dial the aggression back, he makes a threat that anyone who votes for him will be on his radar. 

Rob uses that to pile onto Wes before Carolyn interjects that Wes is being used as a scapegoat. She emotionally tells the group how she thought she found an ally in Danielle but that is not the case as she’s been told by multiple people that Danielle was spinning lies about her. 

Derrick tries a final swing to get people to vote for Rob and says he’s voting for him, but sadly Derrick misses his target amid the chaos with Wes's arrogant display proving to be the downfall of Derrick's plan. Wes is banished and reveals himself as a Faithful, but it was a close one for Rob who barely skated by with a final vote of 7 votes for Wes, 5 votes for Rob, and a stray vote for Tom and Danielle each. 

After the banishment of Wes, Derrick is understandably worried about being murdered by the Traitors and he makes a new enemy in Britney when he flat-out accuses her of being a Traitor – and understandably so. Britney is not happy about Derrick lying to her about leading the charge against Rob and Derrick point blank tells her he’s worried she might be a Traitor after her actions, namely how right before the vote she turned to Dylan and pleaded with him not to vote for Rob. 

But it wasn’t just the Faithfuls who found themselves at odds as the episode drew to a close. When the Traitors came together in the turret, tensions hit a new high as the group called one another out with it becoming clear this group does not trust one another one bit. While they might have made it through another banishment, we have a feeling one Traitor’s time in the game could be coming to an end soon, especially if they can’t get on the same page soon!