The debut of Survivor Game Changers saw two players out of twenty go home fewer than six days into the season. Here’s what they had to say about it.
Obvious spoiler alert for Survivor Game Changers Episode 1’s two-hour “The Stakes Have Been Raised” debut.
What a crazy start to Survivor Game Changers! The theme stays true early on, as you will have to change your game up to adapt to fit in place among the 18 remaining egos on this season. Unfortunately, Ciera Eastin and Tony Vlachos kept to their nature, were targetted early, and got voted out right quick.
It seems like neither of them were too salty about it, though, as CBS has posted their final words in Survivor Game Changers on YouTube, along with proof of who voted whom out of this game in Episode 1.
The first boot was Ciera Eastin, trying to pick targets early and generally played the game too hard in the early going. That’s one of the downsides to being aggressive early, as when you’re pointing the fingers at everyone else, everyone else will start pointing the finger back.
Ciera, maybe boosting herself just a tad, kept a positive attitude. She feels that the others respected her gameplay enough to see her as a threat, and that if she was the first out, it’s indicative of just how great the rest of the season will be.
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She has a good point; considering we’re six days into the game and we have a social threat and a strategic leader threat out of Survivor Game Changers entirely, it’s promises plenty more entertainment down the line.
Tony Vlachos is the second boot out of Survivor Game Changers, proving that you can’t run around like a lunatic creating spy bunkers like it’s Cagayan and expect to stick around for long. He knew he had a huge target on his back, yet he did little to change up his game. He tried to make an alliance, got paranoid that one of his alliance gunned for him, flipped on his alliance, but he didn’t have an idol yet.
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He admits that he had a target on his back, but he insists that it was his reputation that got the better of him. She solely puts the blame on Sandra, making it out to look like Tony was “schemin’ and scammin,'” even though he was trying to spy on others by burying himself in the sand with twigs and leaves over him.
I wrote earlier this week that Tony, in my mind, would either be the first boot or long into the game. Even though it technically was Episode 2 that Tony got out, the sentiment still stands; Tony played too much like Tony when everyone knows what Tony is capable of. He was a clear early boot from the start.
Survivor Game Changers returns next Wednesday at 8 PM ET with Episode 3, “Survivor Jackpot.”