With the offseason finally coming to a close later tonight, we offer up our Survivor Game Changers predictions for some fun superlatives.
The best part about Survivor is that you have no idea what’s about to happen next. A player can get medically evacuated; your biggest ally could quit the game; your minority alliance could get someone to flip; the balance of power can change in an instant. That’s why we’re taking this time right now to offer our individual Survivor Game Changers predictions before the debut of Episode 1, “The Stakes Have Been Raised,” later tonight.
Survivor Game Changers has an excellent cast full of players that have made moves, successful and unsuccessful, across their collective hundreds of days cast away on remote islands. However, most of them fit into archetypes and present personality types that we have come to know and love over the years. We’re making guesses based on what we know or what we expect.
Please don’t take our Survivor Game Changers predictions too personally!

Survivor Game Changers: First Boot
Cheryl Wassenaar: Ciera. Based on how confident she is in pre-game interviews, it just makes too much sense.
Cody Williams: Ciera Eastin. Sure, she voted out her mom. But she also is the likeliest candidate of the 20 castaways to get way too aggressive and over her head early in the game, resulting in her going home.
Daniel: If Tony Vlachos isn’t the first player out of Survivor Game Changers, in my mind, he’s making it all the way to the final tribal council. However, if he’s dragged there, I think the lack of a Woo sitting beside him will mean his aggressiveness will finally see a major payback.
Survivor Game Changers: Biggest Improvement
Cheryl Wassenaar: Jeff Varner. He’s going to finally make the jury! I believe in him!
Cody Williams: Hali Ford is going to be a factor in Survivor Game Changers. Though she’s currently known best for her history comparisons regarding Survivor, she’ll make a name for herself by going deep past the merge and making some big moves in the process.
Daniel George: Though some may have seen through his nice-at-first-glance approach leading up to the game beginning, I believe that Brad Culpepper will vastly improve his game in Survivor Game Changers. He has the physicality to keep around for challenges pre-merge and may look to play a middle-of-the-road game post-merge. I think he will surprise many.

Survivor Game Changers: Most Disappointing Performance
Cheryl Wassenaar: Tony, Tony, Tony. He seems nervous going in, and that won’t help him.
Cody Williams: Tony Vlachos is one of the most enigmatic and entertaining players we’ve ever seen on Survivor. However, there’s almost no chance that he’s able to replicate his win at Cagayan.
Daniel George: My biggest fear is that Cirie won’t get the chance to work her magic through her strong social game because everyone knows just how deadly she is. I would hate to see her go early, but I think it’s coming.
Survivor Game Changers: Most Entertaining
Cheryl Wassenaar: Sandra, no question. This is entirely because I have faith that she can still get loud, too.
Cody Williams: Given the personality, the physical prowess and the immense ego (and the likely early departure of our reckless hero, Tony), the answer has to be Malcolm Freberg. He’s going to be fun in challenges as always, but he’ll have plenty of moments at camp amongst these other big personalities that we’ll remember after the Sole Survivor is voted on.
Daniel George: I see Malcolm continuing his Han Solo-esque ways by leading entertaining confessionals, balancing ego with self-deprecation, and making big moves. Every time he’s not on screen, everybody should be asking, “Where’s Malcolm?”

Survivor Game Changers: Under The Radar Player Who Goes The Distance
Cheryl Wassenaar: Does Michaela count, since she’s an unknown quantity to everyone else in the game? Because I believe Michaela was going to go deep from day one, regardless of her presence in the game.
Cody Williams: With the same reasons mentioned above, I’m going with Hali Ford once again.
Daniel George: Sierra got far in Worlds Apart because she stayed loyal. Hali was the first jury member because she got blindsided. Both these players, I believe, will try to emulate the other, but I think Hali will try to be a bit more cunning and underhanded on the way to going deep.
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Survivor Game Changers: Boldest Move
Cheryl Wassenaar: I feel like there’s going to be a dramatic blindside of a player who seems like they’re at the top right at the merge. Possibly with some idols involved for extra delicious drama.
Cody Williams: Malcolm Freberg will orchestrate a pre-merge blindside of Sandra Diaz-Twine.
Daniel George: Ciera will utilize the new tiebreaker rules to draw rocks, only for herself to draw the bad rock and get eliminated from the game.
Survivor Game Changers: Most Idols Found
Cheryl Wassenaar: I am going to say that there won’t be a multiple-Idol-finder this season. Tony’s good at it, but Tony is going to go out early in my book. So there will be a tie at one. I’m guessing Ozzy and Malcolm will be involved.
Cody Williams: Tony is the obvious answer, but I don’t think he goes far enough for him to be a factor. Instead, I’m going with Michaela Bradshaw to be the dark-horse and find at least two idols.
Daniel George: I think that Zeke is going to find himself on uneasy ground in the early going, forcing him to take fate into his own hands with an idol search or two. It may be against type, but in Survivor Game Changers, it’s adapt or die.

Survivor Game Changers: Hero of the Season
Cheryl Wassenaar: Sandra and Cirie.
Cody Williams: Ozzy Lusth will always be my hero.
Daniel George: People are always going to remember JT’s dumb move from Heroes vs. Villains, but it was in an earnest attempt to do good for his tribe. I believe he will become a tragic hero once again, in one way or another, this season.
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Survivor Game Changers: Villain of the Season
Cheryl Wassenaar: Aubry, maybe Caleb? I feel like there’s going to be some old vs. new going on in this season.
Cody Williams: Brad Culpepper could sit in the corner and do nothing for 39 days and still be the villain of the season, in my book.
Daniel George: If he makes the merge, I could see Troyzan falling back into place as the villain of the season once more. Not on a “This is my island” kind of way, but more of a general disturbance at camp.

Survivor Game Changers: Winner Pick
Cheryl Wassenaar: My heart says Sandra, but I also want Cirie to finally get her million.
Cody Williams: It’s the Ozzy Lusth redemption show (no, not Redemption Island). In his fourth time playing, he finally masters the art of the social game to match his physical prowess and emerges as the Sole Survivor.
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Daniel George: I believe the Sarah Lacina will learn from her Survivor Cagayan mistakes in order to seize the moment at the merge, play a strong second half, and win Survivor Game Changers.