Who Won’t Be Surviving Tribal Tonight On Survivor Game Changers Episode 3?

"Survivor Jackpot" - Jeff Probst hands out the new buffs to Sierra Dawn-Thomas, Cirie Fields, Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth, Debbie Wanner, Brad Culpepper, Tai Trang, James "J.T" Thomas, Andrea Boehlke, Sarah Lacina and Zeke Smith on the third episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"Survivor Jackpot" - Jeff Probst hands out the new buffs to Sierra Dawn-Thomas, Cirie Fields, Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth, Debbie Wanner, Brad Culpepper, Tai Trang, James "J.T" Thomas, Andrea Boehlke, Sarah Lacina and Zeke Smith on the third episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

With a merge coming up, pretty much everyone in Survivor Game Changers Episode 3 is possibly on the chopping block. Who will be Surviving Tribal tonight?

Last week we debuted “Surviving Tribal;” our weekly feature where we bet virtual money on who will be voted out each week based on virtual odds that I make up. After Episode 1, two participants made some money on at least one of their bets while the third is in a bit of a hole in the early going.

As it stands at the end of Episode 2, Cody Williams is in dead last with $400 after his Varner bet fell flat. Daniel George sits with $495 after losing just $5, spreading his money around and nailing a Ciera Eastin boot guess. Cheryl Wassenaar leads right now at $512.50 after betting more money on Ciera Eastin. The odds were halved, as two players were booted over the course of the first two hours.

Here are the odds for each player Surviving Tribal in Survivor Game Changers Episode 3, “Survivor Jackpot.”

“The Stakes Have Been Raised” – Andrea Boehlke, Tai Trang, Brad Culpepper, James “J.T” Thomas, Cirie Fields, Zeke Smith, Debbie Wanner, Sierra Dawn-Thomas and Sarah Lacina on SURVIVOR: Game Changers. The Emmy Award-winning series returns for its 34th season with a special two-hour premiere, Wednesday, March 8 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Notably, the season premiere marks the 500th episode of the series. Photo: Timothy Kuratek/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
“The Stakes Have Been Raised” – Andrea Boehlke, Tai Trang, Brad Culpepper, James “J.T” Thomas, Cirie Fields, Zeke Smith, Debbie Wanner, Sierra Dawn-Thomas and Sarah Lacina on SURVIVOR: Game Changers. The Emmy Award-winning series returns for its 34th season with a special two-hour premiere, Wednesday, March 8 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Notably, the season premiere marks the 500th episode of the series. Photo: Timothy Kuratek/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

JT Thomas – 2/1 (Cheryl: $20)

As we know from the Survivor Game Changers Episode 3 preview, J.T. is going to be on a tribe with five former Mana members. He’s without a partner, meaning he needs to find an idol, and fast. He even has a plan to search for the idol when the rest of the tribe is out at sea! He’s in a highly volatile situation.

Sandra Diaz-Twine – 2/1 (Cody: $40)

After her bold attempt (and success) at getting Tony Vlachos out, Sandra is in a power position. However, she’s on a tribe where she’s the weakest member and had rustled feathers just to be surviving tribal last episode. Either she maintains control by laying low, or she’s targeted for being a strategic threat.

Cirie Fields – 3/1

We don’t know where Cirie is positioned in this post-swap scenario, so she may or may not be paired with Ozzy once more. However, she’s still considered a huge threat socially and made small friendships that may be splintered depending on new tribal lines. She’s a target when trying to make small tribes of five or fewer stronger.

Ozzy Lusth – 3/1

You may be thinking, “Why would a tribe of six vote out Ozzy when they need his strength at challenges?” Just like how Cirie’s a toss-up, if Ozzy and Cirie are on the same tribe, the two will likely gun for each other. Additionally, Ozzy might need to get taken out before the merge at all costs due to his freakish runs at immunity challenges.

Survivor Game Changers Episode 1 Michaela Vote
CBS (Screengrab via Global TV) /

Michaela Bradshaw – 4/1 (Cody: $20)

While I love Michaela’s game dearly, she clearly struggles getting a handle on her emotions. She’s quick to the draw and will tell you what’s what. She’s on a Nuku tribe that’s five Mana members strong, but her unpredictability may cause Sandra to throw her under the bus in the chance of finding tribal unity.

Zeke Smith – 5/1

Zeke is smart as a whip when it comes to Survivor Game Changers, and preview videos show that he immediately knows that a swap is about to happen. We’ve already seen those playing hard early get a target on their back and booted out, so some may see Zeke’s game awareness and be threatened by his mystery factor. Nobody’s seen his season but Michaela, making him a huge threat.

Andrea Boehlke – 6/1

Some say Andrea’s still in the woods, got lost along the way, and is trying to find her island and her friends. She was practically invisible in the early going despite dropping the title name, but she’s shown to be extremely aggressive when put in situations that keep her off kilter.

Aubry Bracco – 6/1

Aubry’s a huge tactical player, but she’s in the minority after Tony left. She will be the weakest player outside of Sandra that can be targeted for being too cunning a player, making her quite vulnerable. She may have to make friends quickly in an attempt to take down Sandra or JT if she is going to be surviving tribal tonight.

Survivor Game Changers
“Survivor Jackpot” – Jeff Varner, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Michaela Bradshaw, Hali Ford, Malcolm Freberg, Caleb Reynolds, Troyzan Robertson and Aubry Bracco on the third episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

Malcolm Freberg – 6/1 (Cody: $20)

Malcolm is another Mana tribe member now on Nuku, and he’s the perfect pawn in the minds of Sandra. Depending on where he wants to play (he was shown to be playing both sides early on), he may be in a position where his triple threat persona as a strong, social, and strategic player comes back to put too huge a target on his back.

Jeff Varner – 6/1

Varner, unfortunately, has been a bit of a poor player in the early going. He’s been at Sandra’s beck and call, he’s been weak in challenges, and he’s been more reactive than active in making moves. I would love for Varner to make the jury, but unless he’s a number, he’s not playing a strong long game, either.

Brad Culpepper – 7/1

There is speculation about just who may receive the clue to the hidden immunity idol present at the Survivor Game Changers Episode 3 immunity challenge. The likely candidate so far is Brad Culpepper, who will find it hard to make his way to the puzzle station without causing too much flare. That bumps up the odds that he won’t be surviving tribal tonight.

Caleb Reynolds – 10/1 (Cody: $20, Cheryl: $20)

Caleb is too strong a player to be taken out right now, but he’s also in a bit of an odd position. Up until the vote, he looked to be Tony’s right-hand man, and he was targeted as a potential player to throw votes at. Depending on his new tribe, that may come back to haunt him.

Survivor Game Changers Debbie Wanner
Nuku Tribe member Debbie Wanner, will be one of the 20 castaways competing on SURVIVOR this season, themed “Game Changers”, when the Emmy Award-winning series returns for its 34th season with a special two-hour premiere, Wednesday, March 8 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. The season premiere marks the 500th episode. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

Debbie Wanner – 10/1

Debbie’s eccentricities haven’t been on full display just yet, instead revealing small parts of her personality here and there. However, once the merge occurs and she’s not in with the top people of the tribe, she may be presented as an annoying character people want to get rid of.

Tai Trang – 10/1 (Daniel: $15)

As people get hungrier, Tai’s position as chicken wrangler may prove too much of an annoyance. This is a returnee season; people aren’t going to lie down and eat no animals over 39 days just because one person shows unconditional love for them. The tribe might need protein more than Tai.

Sarah Lacina – 10/1

Sarah’s positioned herself to be the sneakily aggressive player this season. With Tony gone, she goes into the swap with a few friends and the opportunity to make more. The only way I see her going out now is if she’s too inconsistent as she was at the Survivor Cagayan merge, although I doubt she forgot her biggest mistake.

Survivor Game Changers
Mana Tribe member Troy “Troyzan” Robertson, will be one of the 20 castaways competing on SURVIVOR this season, themed “Game Changers”, when the Emmy Award-winning series returns for its 34th season with a special two-hour premiere, Wednesday, March 8 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. The season premiere marks the 500th episode. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

Troyzan Robertson – 14/1

Troyzan has been a lot more laid back in the early going, acting as Sandra’s confidant and right-hand man. Being in that position gives him an advantage that he can pursue later on as he opens up his more strength-based performances at challenges.

More from Season 34 Game Changers

Sierra Dawn-Thomas – 20/1

A central character in the early going, Sierra somehow found a tree tall enough to hide behind as she laid low with her Legacy Advantage. It’s hard to say exactly her place in the tribe right now, as Nuku had been about Ozzy and Cirie to give conflict in an episode where they never went to tribal council.

Hali Ford – 20/1 (Daniel: $15)

Hali is a bit of a weak player right now when it comes to challenges, but she’s been put in Sandra’s wheelhouse. She’s a number right now, and you don’t take out numbers unless you have to. There’s an outside chance she’s eliminated to make the tribe stronger, but you want numbers to be surviving tribal for the long game.

Survivor Game Changers Episode 3 Money Totals

Cheryl: $472.5

Daniel: $465

Cody: $300

Next: Let’s Rank the Survivor Seasons by Their Locations

Survivor Game Changers Episode 3, “Survivor Jackpot,” airs tonight at 8 p.m. ET.