Survivor Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers: Pitching better names


The upcoming season of Survivor could end up being a great season with a terrible name, so we pitched some alternative names that would work better.

One of the best moments things that makes a Survivor reunion tolerable is the reveal of the upcoming season. Survivor Season 35 will be officially titled Survivor Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers, pitting three tribes of six together in order to accentuate the noble parts of each crew.

From the preview video, it looks like the cast is fired up and ready to go. So am I, as I can’t wait until the show comes back after the summer. The one thing that sucks about the season, so far, is the Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers name.

Why does it have ten syllables? Why is a healer not a hero or a hustler, by definition? Can a hero not perform his heroism through healing or by hustling? To avoid these honest questions, I’ve come up with a few better names based on what we know about the season so far.

Survivor: Heart & Hustle

One way to make a theme that brings Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers together and place them in teams that don’t make one of them sound abjectly worse is to push the two together. Hustle & Heart would throw two tribes against each other, both earning their money through different means.

The “Heart” tribe would be composed of people who have to care for others to make their money. That’s where the Healers tribe plus the lifeguard, firefighter and Marine would play. The Hustlers would consist of the NFL player, actuary, Olympian and the current Hustlers tribe, filled with people that needed to work hard for themselves to get ahead in life.

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Plus, you would have a season name that isn’t an SEO/naming convention nightmare.

Survivor Blue Collar vs. Pink Collar vs. No Collar

Despite being known as Worlds Apart, Jeff Probst still referred to the collar descriptions when revealing who would be voted off. Survivor HvHvH still has the job divisions that embody collar jobs, but with one exception; the healers.

Most people in this description can fall under the “Pink Collar” moniker, referring to jobs relating to customer service or caring such as healthcare. Using that title, you could easily fit the players into Blue Collar, Pink Collar and No Collar designations, thus having an apt title.

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Survivor Mamanuca Islands

This suggestion hurts the most, as the proper location name was already used in Survivor Game Changers. Considering that I don’t think I’ve actually heard the words “Mamanuca Islands” uttered once by this cast, I’d be more than willing to see it reappropriated here or in Season 36 (also a Fiji-based season).

Considering seasons like Cambodia and San Juan del Sur both had the theme names of “Second Chances” and “Blood vs. Water,” respectively, placed on the logos, the casting theme doesn’t have to take precedence in the everyday parlance of the season’s name.

Next: Survivor Game Changers: Ranking All 33 Previous Seasons

Anything is better than Survivor Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers.