Survivor Ghost Island: There are 82 items from seasons’ past

Robert Voets / CBS
Robert Voets / CBS

It’s been a painstaking process for CBS, but they brought back dozens upon dozens of Survivor relics to decorate Survivor Ghost Island.

Typically, the first wave of official information about an upcoming Survivor season involves the full cast being officially revealed, CBS releasing the player bios and a ton of interviews with Jeff Probst and interviews with the cast come from the official press. This time, however, Entertainment Weekly has gotten a leg up on coverage a bit early, revealing the list of 82 items from past seasons that will adorn Survivor Ghost Island.

EW also has 66 photos of the entire set of the Ghost Island, simultaneous confirming that players will be sent there at some point in the game. Who knows if it will be assigned as a punishment a la Exile Island by another name or if it gives the player a chance to earn an advantage in the game a la … well, Ghost Island, but we’ll have to see once interviews come out.

Back to the photos, it appears as though the emphasis on bringing prominent items back comes from misuse. Both Scot and Jason’s unused Hidden Immunity Idols from Kaoh Rong will make an appearance, giving us pause to wonder if another Super Idol will be entered into the game.

Survivor Ghost Island shelter
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

More from Ghost Island

First off, hidden in the coverage “One bad decision can haunt you forever,” notes a sign on the Survivor Ghost Island shelter, as the barebones shelter is littered with the snuffers of almost every season in the show’s history (this photo was taken on Day 3, per its description). Furthermore, extra votes, steal a votes, save a vote and other advantage items are given a bigger write-up than the Immunity Idols (team) and necklaces from each season.

One thing that becomes immediately noticeable when you look down the list of Survivor Ghost Island items is that the only season to be shut out is the season that started it all back in 2000; Borneo. While I wouldn’t read too much into it, it’s still unfortunate that there was no way to bring back memorabilia from the show that started it all.

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You should definitely check out the full list of items and Survivor Ghost Island photos over at EW. The cast reveal must be just around the corner!