Survivor Ghost Island: Is exiling a player fair in the modern game?

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

We now know that players will be sent to Survivor Ghost Island as individuals. With the modern, dynamic gameplay in effect, is it fair to take players from camp?

Even though it doesn’t produce the best results each time, I’m more than thankful that Survivor continues to change the dynamics of how players play the game. Whether it’s 16, 18, 20 players to start out, Exile Island, Redemption Island or, now, Survivor Ghost Island being thrown into the rules, players are left with no choice but adapt to the hand dealt to them.

One twist that comes with the upcoming is that Ghost Island is a physical place that players are sent to, as confirmed in pieces about the season’s 82 items from Survivor past helping to adorn the Ghost Island shelter. We still don’t know the exact nature of how the twist will work (that information likely comes next week), but what we do know is that players will be separated from their tribe for roughly a (half or full) day, and there may be a chance to gamble on past misplayed advantages (as hinted in the season preview).

Considering the new era of Survivor play, where going on reward can be the deciding factor in making a brand new alliance, one has to wonder if the effects of removing players from socializing and strategizing with others is fair in the modern era where alliances and voting blocs are as dynamic as ever.

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There have been seven seasons where an Exile Island has been in effect for more than just a one-time thing. To my knowledge, there has only been two instances when a winner of one of those seasons has been on Exile Island by themselves more times than other players at the Final Tribal Council. One of them was Yul, who knew how to play a game-breaking Super Idol that would keep him safe if he was voted out of the game once. The other was Earl Cole, but made an alliance that allowed him to bring goats with him to the end.

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Even in a season like Survivor Ghost Island where we can expect a bunch of twists from past seasons coming into the game, the knowledge that someone will be able to obtain power at Ghost Island will be enough to convince others to try to vote them out strategically. Furthermore, those removed players have fewer opportunities to socialize and strategize their way to safety being removed from their tribe.

On the flip side, the ability to garner idols, extra votes, Secret Advantages and others may give players a leg up in establishing themselves in Ghost Island, as it gives them the power to create and strengthen an alliance. Furthermore, if sending players away can be used in a tight power alliance that holds strong, that may be enough to carry them right until the end, where the best player wins amongst them.

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I legitimately don’t know whether Exile Island is fair or imbalanced in modern Survivor Ghost Island play, but it’s fun to speculate. Please, offer your thoughts in the comments section below or on our Facebook or Twitter accounts and let us know what you think about exiling players.