After another Survivor episode that was entirely lackluster, Kellyn Bechtold was sent packing after the “big move” was teased once again.
Ever since Chris was sent home, I feel like the story of Survivor Ghost Island has been almost the same every single week. Laurel entertains a big move and then finds a reason not to make it. Up until now, I had been a Laurel defender; she was my preseason winner pick and I understood why she had waited.
However, now was the time to make a move. Instead, someone who was willing to make the move on Domenick and Wendell was eliminated yet again.
Kellyn was “Naviti Strong” for a very long time, but there was a good reason behind this. She had Angela and Chelsea in her back pocket, and Desiree as well up until her boot episode. These are all players I would expect her to beat at the final Tribal Council.
The only problem with this is that it leaves her vulnerable to the one big move that leaves her on the outs. At Final Eight, this swing finally happened, and Kellyn was not on the right side of this ultimatum.
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Kellyn came back from Chelsea’s elimination needing to find a crack. The only problem is that she is going to need support from Donathan and Laurel, who just voted her closest ally out. This does not seem likely, but this is probably the last chance to avoid an idol. Domenick and Wendell both have them and allowing them to survive another vote unscathed is a poor decision. They are now almost guaranteed a spot in the Final Four.
At the Reward Challenge, the two guys are once again in the power position. Their choice to take Laurel shows where Donathan is positioned in their alliance of four. They promise a very believable Final Three deal together. Laurel even says how she does not actually want this, accurately saying she would lose to the big threats.

Wendell and Domenick were both vulnerable after the Immunity Challenge, and this is where I desperately wanted plans to take one of them out. This is an ideal situation for Kellyn, as a real opportunity is opening up. However, Laurel has other plans after Wendell lost the challenge in tragic fashion. Laurel feels too harsh sending Wendell home after his adversity! This is a game for a million dollars! Laurel clearly feels too roped in with the guys to turn on them.
Donathan, seeing the stagnation, decided he needs to do something, and fast. He approaches Kellyn, but this plan requires Laurel. There are many ways that Donathan could have tried to turn the tides, but he clearly goes about it poorly. He straight up tells Domenick and Wendell that he plans on turning with them, and then blows up a scene involving the fake idol at camp.
Donathan only needed three of the other six, and Kellyn was already on his side. He should have gone to Sebastian and Angela, who must know by now that they are not going to beat the guys in the end, let alone make it there.
Because Donathan went haywire, Kellyn ends up voting for Donathan. There was clearly no sufficient plan made. At Tribal Council, Donathan continues his act like he must be the next on the chopping block.
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The opportunity for the move was there for Kellyn to be saved. However, Laurel resisted once again, and Donathan goes too crazy. Kellyn wanted to stay with Naviti for a little too long, leaving her crippled once the big Naviti shift commenced.