Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 8 secret scene celebrates pizza
A longer look at the most controversial reward in Survivor, the pizza reward, is front and center of the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 8 secret scene.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; the only bad pizza is Survivor pizza. I don’t care if you have been eating rice for 22 days in a row, can barely stand up due to dehydration and tiredness, and you’re about to pass out; the producers of this game have had trouble making pizza look appetizing. Look no further than to Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers for proof of this phenomenon!
Whoever the team replaced to be pizza chef for David vs. Goliath has done an excellent job, as the Reward Challenge pizzas not only looked appetizing for the player, but it came across as such for the television-viewing audience at home. The celebration of food became the focus of the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 8 secret scene, as six players basked in a moment of respite.
The weirdest editing decision of this secret scene came down to trying to make sitting down and eating into an action montage of quick cuts to different portions of the meal. We saw Alec, John and Gabby talking about how much food they had, the company they enjoyed it with and resetting with some much-needed calories.
There’s an obvious reason why the reward feast wasn’t dwelled on for too long. With John being the lone player not part of the then-crumbling Strike Force, it was hard for the other five to openly talk strategy. It wouldn’t matter by the end of the episode anyway, as Mike’s plan to blindside Christian was eventually sussed out by Alec and thwarted by Nick and Davie.
Once again, the Survivor: David vs. Goliath secret scene was unnecessary to the overall plot of the episode it was cut from, and it deserves the cutting room floor. Still, it’s interesting to see how good this year’s pizza reward looks in comparison to past years’ examples. Plus, it was weird to see the players put parmesan on a pizza that already had cheese on it. Might as well pile on the calories!