Bi quitting at the tribe swap threw production for a loop. However, the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 10 preview shows a challenge that was once scrapped.
Warning: This post will the first Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 10 preview covering the first Reward Challenge of the two-hour schedule. It will also showcase the two teams competing for the reward.
It’s an exciting time to watch Survivor. Not only is the cast one of the best groups of people since Millennials vs. Gen X, but the players are here to play the game, play it hard and play it dynamically. People are willing to discuss with others from different starting tribes and communicate, even if they don’t agree on where to vote or if it’s just to be cordial.
However, something I did not anticipate was that the David vs. Goliath production crew was going to be as dynamic and on-the-fly as its players. The Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 10 preview video showcases the beginning of the first Reward Challenge of the two-hour event that looks to be your standard “show this video because anything else would be spoilers” preview.
However, when I was watching it in action, it seemed familiar, despite Jeff Probst saying it’s a brand new challenge. When they pulled to an overhead shot, I saw it was on the beach spot where the David and Goliath tribes swapped into three new tribes in episode 4. That’s when it hit me; this challenge was scrapped when Bi quit the game on the mat. If you look in the background, you could see a challenge that wasn’t played out.

If you see behind the buff stations, there are the same spires with ladders, a rope bridge with rope stations to grab for guidance and the rest of the challenge setup. I’m guessing there would have been some sort of challenge in episode 4 had Bi not quit, but there are too many variables to suggest. Bottom line, the challenge was scrapped and now is back!
We don’t know the challenge requirements, but we do see Alec, Alison, Christian, Gabby and Mike on the orange team and Nick, Kara, Carl, Angelina and Davie on the purple team swimming to a beam. From there, one player at a time needs to pull themselves forward on a narrow rope beam between to platforms. From there, it’s another swim to another platform and a structure on a final platform nearby. Survivor is going vague this week to avoid spoilers!