The first episode of Survivor: Edge of Extinction will set the tone for the rest of the season, and the episode 1 synopsis teases the fundamental game change.
A wise fictional character once proclaimed that their momma always said, “Survivor seasons are like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.” At least, that’s what I think they said. Regardless, the spirit of the quote remains true; you can go from the awfully predictable, straightforward and frustrating season of Ghost Island in one season to the excellent David vs. Goliath straight afterward.
While none of us have seen Survivor: Edge of Extinction quite yet, that doesn’t mean that we can’t see the guidelines for a twist on paper and expect a reasonable expectation to follow based on what’s been told to us. However painful it is to try to make a Redemption Island-like twist work once more, the Edge of Extinction episode 1 synopsis tries to do just that.
The first episode of the season is called “It Smells Like Success,” and the synopsis tries to capture the magic of the season’s opening hour as succinctly as possible. “Castaways hover on the ‘Edge of Extinction’ in an all-new twist, and four returning players attempt to bond with their new tribemates,” the description reads. “Also, castaways tackle a giant puzzle in their first immunity challenge of the season.”

Considering the David vs. Goliath finale didn’t have an epic giant puzzle as we’ve seen in seasons’ past, starting out Edge of Extinction with one looks promising. The only new photo provided can be seen above, with Joe Anglim seemingly balancing on a series of beams before the challenge below. Ron, Eric, Victoria and Gavin seem to look on as Aubry is in mid-sentence.
That’s all the clues you’re going to get about the episode for now, as we’ve yet to see any more commercials or video content than what was made available during the Super Bowl last week.