Survivor SA Island of Secrets episode 8: Power rankings

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The second tribe swap of Survivor SA: Island of Secrets helped to shore up our power rankings heading into episode 8 instead of shaking things up.

The latest episode of Survivor SA: Island of Secrets saw another tribe swap, combining three tribes into two. Going from two tribes to three, back to two is an exciting format that was seen first in US Survivor: Second Chance, and is a great way to mix up original tribal lines. Here are our power rankings heading into episode 8.

14) Danté De Villiers

Although he successfully guessed that Nicole possesses a full Hidden Immunity Idol, Danté’s aggressive gameplay will continue to put a target on his back. Seeing Rob tell Nathan to vote him out after the swap is not a good sign. His only hope at this point is to win tribe Immunity or have Meryl play her idol for him.

13) Laetitia Le Roux

If it wasn’t for Rob and Mike’s willingness to take the opportunity to get rid of a big threat, Laetitia may have been the one sent home. Now without Rocco, her options are limited. However, the fact that she voted with the majority could help her secure a spot in an alliance.

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12) Cobus Hugo

It seems like most of the time we see Cobus, he’s giving a witty one-liner instead of strategic insight on the game. I’m still unsure of who he’s aligned with, which doesn’t put Cobus in a great position moving forward.

11) Meryl Szolkeiwicz

Ending up on the same tribe as Danté might be more of a curse than a blessing. His new tribe members already are painting him as a target, putting Meryl and Danté in the minority. Her one saving grace is a Hidden Immunity, but it has lost value with everyone knowing about it.

10) Steffi Brink

The last two episodes of Island of Secrets have had me wondering if Steffi is still a member of the Amigos. Last week Nathan apparently didn’t share the idol news with her. This week she said there was nobody on her new tribe that she wants to work with. Meanwhile, two of her fellow Amigos members including Rob and Seipei are on that very tribe! Right now, I’m not sure where Steffi stands with anyone.

9) Seipei Mashugane

Although I don’t think Seipei is in immediate danger, this tribe swap moved her from the driver seat to the back seat. Rob, Mike and even Jacques had more say in the vote, leaving Seipiei at their mercy, but that can change.

8) Nathan Castle

Nathan was fortunate to end up on the same tribe as Nicole, and I think she might even play the idol for him if he’s in jeopardy. That said, the injury-prone Nathan is still a massive target who isn’t doing the greatest job of building relationships outside the Amigos.

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7) Mmaba Molefe

Once again, Mmaba appears to be in the majority alliance and doesn’t have a target on her at all. Now that she’s under the radar and not a threat, Mmaba has a perfect opportunity to start planning a big move.

6) Durão Mariano

The tables have turned for Durão. He has gone from being in serious danger of getting his torch snuffed to making his way in a strong alliance. This wasn’t simply due to a favorable swap for Durão. No, he took the initiative to strategize with Nicole and form meaningful relationships on his new tribe.

5) Nicole Capper

She still appears to be in the majority and still has an idol, but her threat level is rising fast. All the drama revolving around Nicole’s idol will only hurt her position in the game.

4) Jacques Burger

Even though Jacques attended yet another Tribal Council, he’s no longer on the chopping block. His new honest approach to the game helped him maneuver into an alliance, with an idol still in his pocket.

3) Mike Ventor

If anyone drew the short end of the stick with the tribe swap, it was Mike. He lost his closest ally Geoffrey, as well as Mmaba. That said, Mike showed that he can survive on his own social game, connecting with Rob and staying on top of the vote.

2) Geoffrey Cooke-Tonneson

Although he lost Mike at the swap, it gave Geoffrey the opportunity to prove he can survive without him. He is now sitting atop a majority alliance with Mmaba, Durão, Nicole and Nathan. Geoffrey is poised to enter the merge with numbers and has that subtle, but effective control over them.

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1) Rob Bentele

Don’t get me wrong, Rob is still one the biggest targets remaining, but for some reason, he isn’t seen that way by everyone. He showed that he can control a vote once again by shifting the target to Rocco without sounding forceful. He also possesses a Hidden Immunity Idol and seems to be in the majority, putting Rob in a great position moving forward. We’ll have to see how these rankings hold up after episode 9 airing this week.