Though the next year of Survivor television has been filmed this past summer, we hope to throw some season themes out there for the next cycle.
As the Survivor: Island of the Idols preseason information becomes tantalizingly closer to being released, producers are currently casting for seasons 41 and 42. However, the process is a long one, and ideas for how the seasons will play out shifts as lists of names to play are being drafted.
With that in mind, there’s more than enough time to throw some season ideas into the hat and hope they appear in the future. Here are five suggestions for future Survivor season theme ideas that we hope the show uses in the future.
Survivor Abroad
With CBS acquiring the Ten Network in Australia, the company has holdings in both the US version and Australian Survivor. Depending on the rights to international and US versions of the show (held by a separate group), if the stars were aligned, we could finally see a matchup between national and international all-star players.
Rupert seems like an inevitability considering he just competed in The Amazing Race recently, but I’d hope to see T-Bird, Sean Rector, and Ian line up with Lauren Rimmer, Angelina, and Jay Starrett.
There’s a more shallow pool of players to draw from when it comes to Australian Survivor. Some candidates include Nick Iadanza, Jericho, Ross Clarke, David, Annaleise, Shonee, Fenella, and Pia, but I’m not entirely as versed in the Aussie version. The best part about these two versions coming together? They already both film in Fiji!