Survivor: Battle of the Generations
The current consensus for generations sees the Gen X age range between those born between 1965 and 1980, with Millennials following between 1981-1996 and Gen Z between 1997-2012. With seasons 39 and 40 finished wrapping and casting for Survivor season 41 and 42 taking place already begun, this would be a compelling age divide.
The best part of the social dynamics and forced narrative of Millennials vs. Gen X come in the moment-to-moment gatherings and how they faced their obstacles in building a shelter.
Hell, even though I doubt they’d want to go back to a four-tribe start with five players on each tribe, I’d love to see the Boomer generation represented, too, to get the real melting pot. Maybe they will be granted the equivalent of real estate and cost of living advantages (such as Survivor: Fiji’s Haves and Have-Not’s twist) to start the game to balance against generations that precede them.
The one fear of this possibility is that it could very quickly be a race to get out the oldest players as they struggle to handle the physicality in the game in comparison to the younger tribes. Perhaps more puzzles or challenges that involve partial chance opportunities could see things play out fairly.