19. Amber Mariano
You have to feel bad for Amber, being voted out primarily because her husband was on the other tribe. Even though she did say in the finale that she came out for Rob, we’ll never know how she would have done if she played on her own. Voting out the first person on a tribe isn’t easy, so Yul planted the thought that there’s a secret poker player alliance, and Amber is in on it because of her husband.
That put both Tyson and Amber on the chopping block. What hurt Amber is the fact that she stuck to an old school, passive gameplay, not doing much to figure out where the vote was at. Having that chill attitude is often effective in Survivor, but not when people are throwing your name out. The fact that Tyson was actively trying to save face while Amber was sitting back likely played a big role in the final result.
– Surviving over 30 days on the Edge of Extinction
– Getting blindsided because her husband is on the other tribe
– Playing too relaxed of a game, not being aware of the situation around her