Most Invisible Survivor Contestants – – Number 24: Caleb, Blood vs Water (16)
When Blood vs Water first got underway, it felt like Caleb Bankston (R.I.P.) was going to be a key character. He was Colton Cumbie’s fiancé and that obviously made him someone the editors were interested in showing. When Colton quit on Day 7, Caleb was mostly forgotten about.
Caleb was on the tribe with all of the returning players’ loved ones and that tribe was originally run by an all men’s alliance. Caleb eventually decided to flip on Brad Culpepper though and decided he was going to do just that at tribal council, telling Ciera and Katie he was going to vote for Brad, which was the turning point.
It really felt like at that moment that Caleb would be a huge character on season 27, but nope — That didn’t happen. He was in 12 episodes and nine of his 16 confessionals came in the first four episodes. It really did feel like Caleb was kind of just there and considering how he shook up the game early on, it’d have been nice to have seen more of him in the second half of the season.