Most Invisible Survivor Contestants – – Number 19: Natalie, Samoa (15)
Hey, remember when I said Samoa was edited terribly? It was so bad that even the freaking WINNER was ignored for virtually the entire season, receiving just 15 confessionals despite winning the season!
Natalie White is a controversial winner. Many thought Russell deserved to win that season, but in my post defending less touted winners, I discuss why Natalie is very much deserving of her title. Production made things worse by cramming Russell down our throats (he had over 100 confessionals in Samoa) while ignoring anything Natalie did. Of course the fans are going to react strongly to the results, they didn’t get to see how good of a game Natalie played.
We barely even saw Natalie until the fourth episode of Samoa. All we knew at that point was that she aligned with Russell. That was it. Oh, and she killed a rat.
Natalie’s a millionaire now, but I still feel sorry for the poor edit she got on Survivor and the fact that fans are STILL angry with her for winning over Russell. She didn’t deserve this bad of an edit and I still get sad thinking about it.