Parvati Shallow hints a four-time Survivor legend will be in the Survivor 50 cast

"I cannot believe after we played Australian Survivor that you're about to go back and play again," the Survivor: Micronesia winner teased on her new podcast.
"This is Extortion - Parvati Shallow on the Eleventh episode of SURVIVOR: WINNERS AT WAR, airing Wednesday, April 22nd (8:00-9:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
"This is Extortion - Parvati Shallow on the Eleventh episode of SURVIVOR: WINNERS AT WAR, airing Wednesday, April 22nd (8:00-9:01 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved | CBS

We all know Parvati Shallow is iconic for being a little sneaky and a whole lot strategic whether she's playing Survivor, The Traitors, or Deal or No Deal Island. And it seems she's even causing a little chaos with her new podcast, Nice Girls Don't Win, co-hosted by reality producer Amy Bean.

In honor of the premiere of the 48th season, the podcast invited on one of Parvati's original Black Widow Brigade members and an ultimate Survivor All-Star, Cirie Fields!

They discussed all things from their upcoming run on Survivor: Australia vs. The World to the difference between playing the game and watching their seasons back. But before they even got into the meat of the episode, Parvati made a very interesting statement about Cirie potentially returning for another season of Survivor after they competed in Australia.

"Are you going again?" The host questioned a stunned Cirie who simply replied, "Uh, I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not," before delving further into the question.

"People just presume that I'm going to get the call. Like, 'oh Cirie has to be there. A big season, season 50, Cirie's definitely there. Am I going? Hmm... they gonna have to wait and see. I don't know..."

After continuing that she'd love to see Cirie back out there, Parvati confirmed she will not be participating in the celebratory season: "I'm not going. I'm done with Survivor."

Adding fuel to the fire, however, at the Survivor 48 screening event in NYC where the "In the Hands of the Fans" theme was announced, Jeff Probst also spent some time discussing what the casting of the show would look like. Watch the full clip below.

At the time we were all just excited to learn more about the process, but now after seeing Parvati call out Cirie's return—which she didn't confirm nor deny—there's one specific part of Jeff's conversation that's causing me to do a double take.

While sharing that it's hard for him not to feel territorial when former castaways go on other reality shows, like The Traitors, he specifically called out Cirie as the exception because she's "Hall of Fame." And yes, while this might have simply been because she was in the audience, it's curious that Jeff would only choose to call her out and not one of the many other Survivor alum in attendance who have also appeared on other shows.

Various fan posts on Instagram told us that a few other multi-show legends who were present included Eliza Orlins (Survivor: Vanuatu; Survivor: Micronesia) who appeared on The Amazing Race, Tony Vlachos (Survivor: Cagayan, Survivor: Game Changers, Survivor: Winners at War) and the queen herself, Sandra Diaz-Twine (Survivor: Pearl Islands, Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, Survivor: Game Changers, Survivor: Island of the Idols, Survivor: Winners at War) who both appeared on separate seasons of The Traitors.

With Survivor 50 production most likely set to take place this summer, it's not unlikely that the full cast has already been selected to ensure schedules can be organized for filming. And with the excitement around the season and the fact that we will for sure have a cast of players who already have lots of eyes on their social media, I wouldn't be surprised if we begin to see more and more rumors and leaks over the next few months.

One thing's for sure, though... I will be chomping at the bit until CBS releases an official list!

And while we don't get to choose the cast, make sure to tune in to Survivor 48 every Wednesday at 8pm E.T. on on CBS and Paramount+ to make sure you don't miss out on the chance to vote for other season 50 game changing elements!