3 players in danger (and 3 who should be safe) in Survivor 47 episode 4

Another week of Survivor 47 passed and another surprising person voted out. What players are in danger in episode 4?
SURVIVOR 47 - Wednesdays, (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+
SURVIVOR 47 - Wednesdays, (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ /

Survivor 47 has undoubtedly been unpredictable thus far, as all three castaways voted out have been at least mildly surprising. Situations change very quickly daily on the island, and someone you might consider safe one day can find a target firmly on them the next.

Aysha Welch looked fairly secure in her position on the Lavo tribe, which hadn't been to the tribal council until episode three. It didn't take long for those controlling camp to look to oust her from the game, and her unwillingness to vote out her closest ally made her an easy choice.

Barring a tribal shuffle by Jeff Probst, which didn't seem imminent in the previews for episode four, already-established relationships should hold steady for the next vote. It's time to consider who might be in danger and who is probably safe at the next tribal council for all tribes.

Survivor 47 players in danger heading into episode four

Belly of the Beast
“Belly of the Beast” – Tensions run high as tribemates begin to get on each other’s last nerve at camp. Three castaways go on a journey and make a big decision that will impact the game. Then, in the challenge, tribes must climb their way to the top to earn a reward that will provide comfort at camp as well as safety in the game, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Oct. 2 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+* (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME /


Since the very beginning of the game, Andy Rueda has been a wild card and had a good chance to be eliminated if the Gata tribe had gone to tribal in episode two. Now, however, Andy seems to be finding his footing in camp.

Anika, on the other hand, has been butting heads with tribemate Sam Phalen. Unless his overall attitude rubs more than just Anika wrong, Sam is probably safe. He is by far the most physical player on the team and probably won't be going anywhere.

Unfortunately for Anika, she is probably annoying other tribe members more than Sam. Unless she shows up big in a challenge, she is in danger of going home if Gata loses the immunity challenge.


If the players think they can get rid of Rome Cooney, they probably will do so, but he still has a steal-a-vote advantage, and they would have to work very hard, and secretly, to get him out of the game right now. While he did play his idol in episode three, you know he will be right back out in the jungle looking for another as soon as he can.

If Lavo were to lose, Sol might be the next target. While he has been a very strong performer during challenges, players will soon realize a trib shuffle might be in the offing and may not care.

Sol was Aysha's closest ally, and her reluctance to throw a vote his way is the main reason she is gone. Sol's tribemates probably won't let him stick around much longer. He will probably be the most in danger in the Lavo tribe.

Is That Blood in Your Hair
“Is That Blood in Your Hair” – A castaway risks getting caught red-handed while on the hunt for an advantage in the game. During the immunity challenge, tribes must dig deep to piece together a win to earn a reward and safety at the next tribal council. Then, one castaway from each tribe will take a journey where they must make a big decision that could impact the game, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Oct. 9 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and /


While Kyle Ostwald was TK's closest ally, Kyle's friendly nature and challenge strengths may have won him some favor among his tribemates. Tiyana, who turned on TK because he called out teammates for not being more upset at losing in episode two, might displace Kyle as the top target to vote out.

Tiyana doesn't have strong ties to anyone else in her tribe, though she isn't a leper either. Her tribemates are also aware that she didn't hesitate much to get rid of TK, and often enough, those players don't tend to last that long on Survivor.

The great unknown is that the previews for the upcoming episode led viewers to believe that maybe something has happened to Sue Smey, who, along with Gabe Ortis, controls the Tuku tribe. If Sue is all right, and Tuku happens to lose, it is most likely that Tiyana will be the target.

3 players who should be safe in Survivor 47 episode 4

One Glorious and Perfect Episode
“One Glorious and Perfect Episode” – Eighteen new castaways will be abandoned on the breathtaking islands of Fiji, where they must learn to adapt or they will be voted out. Tribes must quickly pick up the pieces in the first challenge of the season to earn a pot, machete and flint. Then, two castaways are chosen to go on a journey to find the X that marks the spot, on the two-hour season premiere of the 47th edition of SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Sept. 18 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television /


While there has been plenty of drama surrounding Andy, Anika, and Sam, Rachel has been lying low. She avoided getting drawn into some of Andy's issues early in the game, and she seemed smart enough to continue to play the game without drawing a lot of attention to herself.

Sierra Wright is also probably safe, but as Sam's close ally, she could get drawn into the drama swirling between Sam and Anika. Still, there are a lot of bigger targets on the tribe than Sierra, and she has remained under the radar all season. She hasn't had many, if any, confessionals, at least none the audience might remember.


Despite his poor social camp life, he plays the game at full speed. He should survive at least one more vote if he can maintain some advantages in the game and stay aware that he will always be a target.

While Sol could be Rome's first choice to be voted out, his tribemates might choose someone else. If they can't take out Rome himself, they might target his closest ally, Genevieve Mushaluk. It's already been commented upon that they are friendly and could form a power duo in the future.

Sol is valuable in challenges, so if the tribe loses but wants to avoid future challenge losses, you could see that Genevieve might be in danger, but Rome, for now, seems safe.

CAROLINE VIDMAR from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. -- Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /


The Tuku tribe is the hardest to predict because there are just about everyone has had talk surrounding them. Gabe is playing the hardest. Kyle was close to someone already voted off, There are some doubts about how strong Sue is, and she is also obviously used to being in charge.

Tiyana, though, has already flipped on one alliance and may not be trusted by everyone else. This leaves Caroline, who hasn't ruffled many feathers and has been in the spotlight much. She is also aligned with Sue and Gabe. It would take a colossal challenge failure or for her to cause a significant camp disturbance for her to be threatened with a pre-merge departure.

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