Survivor 46 weekly power rankings after the chaotic tribal council in episode 8

Our weekly power rankings for Survivor 46 show some shakeup after Q's antics during tribal council in episode 8
SURVIVOR on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+
SURVIVOR on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+

A key social threat was voted out of Survivor 46 during episode eight, titled "Hide 'N Seek," when Tevin was sent to the jury. The episode could have been called "The Q Show," because it was all about Q and his determined effort to take over the game completely.

With a total wildcard player like Q still in the game, it is very hard to project what might happen from episode to episode. You just never know how someone who is playing that hard will affect the game. Q had a huge impact in episode 8, but will it benefit him or be his demise?

These power rankings are based on how likely it is each player will win Survivor 46 heading into episode 9 on Wednesday, April 24.

Spicy Jeff
“Spicy Jeff” – Confusion and chaos continue to make waves throughout camp after a shocking tribal council. Castaways must test their balance to earn safety and a spot in the final eight. Then, the emergence of multiple hidden immunity idols shakes the plan for the next tribal council, on SURVIVOR Wednesday, April 24 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on demand for Paramount+ Essential

9. Venus

Last week - 10th

Episode 8 was another episode where Venus displays her desire to play but also her lack of awareness for what is going on in the game around her. She is convinced she was the power behind Soda's ouster from the game, but she was just lucky she was on the right side of the vote by mere happenstance.

She still received votes in the latest tribal, but her biggest nemesis was Tevin, and now he's gone. It is still unlikely she can find enough people to commit to an actual working alliance with her, and so she will probably keep being the blind squirrel scampering around trying to find a nut.

8. Q

Last week - 9th

It is hard to rank Q because he is trying so hard to just will himself into the final three. That just doesn't work on Survivor. He's burned his bridges with Tiffany by telling Maria about Tiff's idol, even though he tried to be contrite by offering to sacrifice himself at an explosive tribal council.

He is just too big of a wild card, and now players should be wary of playing with him. Everyone sees how hard he's playing and he should really be the next to go, though there is a good chance he isn't.

7. Tiffany

Last week - 8th

When Q revealed Tiffany's idol, he immediately placed a target on her back. She is going to have to face the fallout of that key piece of information. Unless she can scramble and quickly form an alliance with the likes of Maria and Charlie, she's going to have a tough path.

When everyone knows you have an idol, one that can guarantee you top five, everyone else you are not very closely aligned with are going to be coming after you hard. It might be difficult for Tiffany to navigate through to the end if everyone comes after her over the next two or three episodes.

Spicy Jeff
“Spicy Jeff” – Confusion and chaos continue to make waves throughout camp after a shocking tribal council. Castaways must test their balance to earn safety and a spot in the final eight. Then, the emergence of multiple hidden immunity idols shakes the plan for the next tribal council, on SURVIVOR Wednesday, April 24 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on demand for Paramount+ Essential

6. Hunter

Last week - 5th

Basically, Hunter controls his own destiny over the next several votes. He is by far the most physical player remaining and has been a challenge beast. At the moment he doesn't win a challenge, he will become target number one.

What no one else knows, however, is that Hunter has an idol. Even if he loses a challenge, he's going to take someone else out. He would be smart to keep his idol completely to himself. No one thinks he's playing the game hard outside of the challenges. Every challenge he wins puts him closer to the final five, and there is a solid chance he will make it to the final three.

5. Liz

Last week - 9th

Despite Q's shenanigans, Liz is probably the player that most improved their position. She's been coasting along, and she even tried to take the credit for Soda's vote. Periodically throughout the game, she wanted Soda out, but she never enacted a plan to do so. She may have even planted that seed in Tevin's mind, but he is the player who executed that move.

Still, she was the one who pushed for Tevin and upset Q's plans for getting out Tiffany. She convinced enough people that now was the right time for Tevin to go that she truly did move that needle. It is still hard to imagine that the jury will award her a million dollars, but at least she is finally playing the game.

4. Ben

Last week - 7th

Another player who seems to have gained some benefit from all of the chaos is Ben. For the first time in a few episodes, Ben named wasn't bandied about as he kind of fell down under the radar.

He doesn't seem to be playing an impressive game, outside of the fact he's a nice guy who everyone seems to like. There are still plenty of more obvious threats out there, and Ben could still surprise us. If he can align with the right people, the path for him getting into the final five is starting to clear up, maybe for the first time in the whole game.

3. Kenzie

Last week - 2nd

Back on Yanu beach, Kenzie showed a willingness to at least explore big moves. Since the merge, she has faded into the background due to Q's emergence. Now, with both Q and Tiffany being bigger threats for various reasons, she has a chance to rid herself of her initial Yanu tribe mates and begin playing her own game.

There is a chance here for Kenzie be at the forefront of taking one of them out, and if she does, she can start building her resume with the jury. We haven't seen much from her yet, but there is still something about her that hints she has a big move or two in her. We'll see!

2. Charlie

Spicy Jeff
“Spicy Jeff” – Confusion and chaos continue to make waves throughout camp after a shocking tribal council. Castaways must test their balance to earn safety and a spot in the final eight. Then, the emergence of multiple hidden immunity idols shakes the plan for the next tribal council, on SURVIVOR Wednesday, April 24 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on demand for Paramount+ Essential

Last week - 3rd

The power pair of Maria and Charlie still seems to be relatively secret at this point. It seems as if they consult each other before any major decisions and they always seem to be on the right side of the vote.

Charlie is aware that people around him aren't playing the strongest games, and he's kind of just sat back and let nature run its course, so to speak. He hasn't upset any plans with crazy ideas of his own, but things have just unfolded in a way that has benefited him. It may come down that the only way he can win, however, is to find a way to take out his ally, Maria. No one should want to go to the final tribal sitting next to Maria.

1. Maria

Last week - 1st

Maria still has to be the favorite to win this game at this point. Like Charlie, she has kept their partnership fairly quiet and together they have intentionally been in the majority. Neither has made any enemies and both have several friends in the game.

Charlie may come across as more dangerous as his name as come up now and then as a target. In episode eight, Tiffany was the first one to throw out Maria's name, which is what got Q to push for Tiffany. It is getting to the point where there is nowhere else for Maria to hide. She's played extremely well and is well-liked. She will be a tough one to beat if she there at the end.