Survivor 46 elimination order: Everyone voted out so far

The Survivor 46 finale airs on Wednesday, May 22
“Run the Red Light” – Castaways compete for the biggest reward of the season, and an outburst resulting from the reward challenge could lead to a strategic shift in this week’s target. Then, an eerie sense of agreeability around camp causes castaways to second guess their vote before tribal council, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, May 1 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming live and on-demand on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or
“Run the Red Light” – Castaways compete for the biggest reward of the season, and an outburst resulting from the reward challenge could lead to a strategic shift in this week’s target. Then, an eerie sense of agreeability around camp causes castaways to second guess their vote before tribal council, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, May 1 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming live and on-demand on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or

Survivor season 46 has only one episode left! After Survivor season 46 episode 12 aired on Wednesday, May 15, all we have left is the season finale on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

We're officially down to the final five! It's Liz, Ben, Kenzie, Charlie, and Maria. One of those players will be the winner of Survivor 46. Who will it be? Well, we have a pretty good idea that the winner will be one of these three players.

We've shared our list of the castaways who have been eliminated in season 46. We also shared the running list of the castaways still with a chance to win the $1 million grand prize and title of Sole Survivor for season 46.

Here's the full list of castaways eliminated in Survivor 46 through 12 episodes!

1. David "Jelinsky" Jelinsky

David “Jelinsky” Jelinsky from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. -- Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jelinsky was the first person eliminated from Survivor season 46, and it's all because he read and played the game completely wrong. After losing the first challenge of the season with the Yanu tribe, Jelinsky and Q Burdette were chosen for the Sweat Challenge. They were forced to move water from the ocean to a giant tub. If they filled the tub in the alotted amount of time, which was four hours, they would receive flint and supplies for their tribe. The kicker was that each bucket had holes in it, so the bucket was pouring out as they walked up the beach to fill the giant tub. Jelinsky convinced Q to give up with a considerable amount of time remaining.

Then, after one member of each tribe was summoned to take a little boat ride to a private island, Jelinsky volunteered for the task. He played a game of "who's lying?" with Maria and Tevin, and Jelinsky just gave up! He told them he was the liar, and he lost his vote at tribal council! Then, he TOLD HIS TRIBE HE GAVE UP AND LOST THE VOTE TO HELP HIS OWN GAME DOWN THE LINE.

During the immunity challenge, Jelinsky and Jess were unable to complete the puzzle, which basically sealed his fate but he didn't know it. This quote from Q was basically Jelinsky's eviction notice: “Now I know, when the going gets tough, he’s going to tuck his tail and quit."


2. Jessica "Jess" Chong

Scorpio Energy
“Scorpio Energy” – One tribe struggles to keep their heads in the game after the first tribal council of the season. Another castaway will win the biggest and most intense music battle in SURVIVOR history, “Taylor Swift vs. Metallica.” Then, tribes must use teamwork and persistence during the immunity challenge to keep them from heading to tribal council, on a two-hour episode of SURVIVOR, Wednesday, March 6 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and

Jess barely survived the first vote. She likely would have had a vote cast against her had Jelinsky had his vote. Easily, the tribe could have voted her out for being one of the weaker players physically and not necessarily bonding strategically with other members of the Yanu tribe.

Jess also struggled in the second immunity challenge, which resulted in several players from the tribe yelling at her. She failed to do the puzzle correctly in the first challenge and then she dropped some of the giant letter boxes as her tribe struggled to spell "persistence." To be fair, every other person dropped those boxes, though. Some more than others, sure, but it's not like anyone knocked that challenge out of the park. There were major mistakes across the board.

Then, things got wild back at camp. Kenzie and Tiff hatched a plan to get rid of Jess, and they tried to get her to find a fake idol to make sure she doesn't play her Shot in the Dark. But, Jess kind of knows Q gave her a fake idol, but then she doesn't know it and plays it anyway. Bhanu has an absolute meltdown of all meltdowns and barely holds it together to stay in the game.

In the end, Jess's idol is fake, and she goes home.

3. Randen Montalvo

Wackadoodles Win
“Wackadoodles Win” – Several castaways have some explaining to do after a fake idol was played at tribal council. A castaway attempts to fall on the sword for their tribe’s loss in the immunity challenge. Then, three castaways take a journey to compete for an advantage in the game, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, March 13 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on demand for Paramount+ Essential

Randen was not voted off of Survivor, but he was forced to leave the game. He was the third person eliminated from Survivor season 46. After waking up and losing feeling down his arm and into his hand, Randen sat out the immunity challenge, which his tribe, Nami, won thanks to a Herculean effort from Hunter.

Unfortunately, Randen's symptoms and use of his hand did not improve, which forced Jeff, Will, the show's doctor, and the medical team to pull Randen from the game. The fear was that Randen had a bulging disc in his back or neck that was cutting off his radial nerve.

It was a devastating exit. Randen had positioned himself for a deep run into the game, especially after finding an advantage that could have led to a hidden immunity idol.

4. Bhanu Gopal

Bhanu Gopal from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. -- Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Bhanu is one of the true legends of Survivor. Unfortunately, he was eliminated fourth in season 46. He was voted out of the Yanu tribe after they lost their fourth straight immunity challenge, although they did win a reward challenge in the episode, too.

Bhanu's mistakes finally caught up with him after basically torching the first two immunity challenges, generally struggling to find a rhythm and ally in the game, and having a hard time handling his emotions, which led to a huge decision in the game. After the third immunity challenge, Bhanu was selected with Liz and Ben to travel to the island and try to win an advantage in the game. Bhanu broke down during the visit and basically sold his tribemates out. He told Liz and Ben that Kenzie was a "mastermind" and Tiffany and Q were in a strong alliance.

As the game moves toward the merge, this is was a huge mistake. After learning Randen was pulled from the game and he was safe, Bhanu revealed to his tribe what he did, and it didn't go well. They assured Bhanu he would be out of the game, and that's exactly what happened.

At tribal council, Bhanu told his story from growing up in poverty in India to his journey to America and Survivor. It was one of the most heartbreaking moments of the season, but Bhanu played the game on his terms. It just didn't work out this time.

5. Jem Hussain-Adams

Jem Hussain-Adams from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. -- Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jem was playing a great game! I really thought she made a smart move with hiding the beware advantage, tricking her tribe into chaos, and making them realize that the game was still going on around the "Vibe Tribe."

Unfortunately, it really backfired for Jem. She denied that she hid the beware advantage, and it's clear that her tribe didn't really trust her after losing immunity. Jem found the hidden immunity idol, so she was able to kep her vote at tribal in addition to having the idol in her pocket. She overplayed the hand she was dealt, though, and she crashed out of the game right before the merge.

Maria used her extra vote that she won off Jelinsky to turn the tables on Jem and vote her out of the game. It was a rough way to exit, but Jem did get a nice souvenir.

6. Moriah Gaynor

Moriah Gaynor from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. -- Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Moriah had a really rough go the last few days with the Siga tribe and the pre-merge challenges. Moriah was left out of the vote to eliminate Jem, which she and the tribe downplayed when all three tribes came together before the official merge. Moriah, then, was the first name that Tim and Ben, who won the immunity and reward challenge, gave up as a possible person they'd vote off from the Siga tribe. That basically sealed Moriah's elimination when the former Nami and Yanu members jumped on that.

Q accused Moriah of being Aubry Bracco 2.0 because she told Q that Aubry was her favorite player. Oh, and she's nerdy. I'm sorry, but if those are the reasons to take someone out, no one is truly safe.

7. Tim Spicer

Tim Spicer from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. -- Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim. I thought Tim was positioning himself well for a long run in the game, and it's clear that the others saw him as a threat, too. He was a strong player in challenges, and he was forming good relationships with other players in the game. Tim, however, got on Q's bad side, which ultimately led to Q rallying the votes to get him out.

Q wanted to take out Ben, but Tim and Ben were in alliance together from their Siga days, although he was also in an alliance with Q and Hunter, who Tim wanted to target. Had Tim ended up in a group away from Q and Hunter, he's probably still in the game and in position for a deep run. He was eliminated right before becoming a member of the jury. Tim wasn't the only person voted out in episode 7 either!

8. Soda Thompson

Soda Thompson from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. -- Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Soda was voted out in episode 7, "Episode Several." She's the first member of the jury. Soda was too nice to everyone, and it made everyone nervous how well she was getting along with everyone. Liz claims to have been targetting Soda since the first day with the Nami tribe. Tevin kickstarted the move by mentioning it to Liz and then getting Charlie and Maria on board, although Venus took credit for the move at tribal council and beyond even though she was the last person to know about the plan.

Either way, Soda was blindsided! She had no idea her fellow Nami tribe members were targetting her.

9. Tevin Davis

Tevin Davis from the CBS Original Series SURVIVOR, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. -- Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Tevin was eliminated in episode 8, "Hide 'N Seek." After his plan to oust Soda worked and Hunter won immunity, Liz made a move to target Tevin. She spread the information around the tribe in a meaningful way, and the move made sense. Tevin had an extra vote advantage. He was feeling very good in the game. There was already a plan in place from Q to take out Tiffany, so Tevin had no idea he was even being considered.

Q, then, tried to cause chaos at tribal when one of his core alliance members was going to be voted out. Instead of warning Tevin and asking him to play his Shot in the Dark or use his extra vote, Q told everyone to vote for Q, which created one of the dumbest tribal councils in history. Not great, Q!

Tevin is the second member of the jury.

10. Hunter McKnight

Hide 'N Seek
“Hide ‘N Seek” – In the aftermath of a blindside elimination, multiple castaways claim credit for their resume, stirring the pot among their fellow tribemates. In a classic SURVIVOR challenge, castaways must hold on for a shot at immunity from tribal council. Then, an innocent game of hide and seek becomes a revealing metaphor about every castaway’s SURVIVOR strategy, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, April 17 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and

Hunter was voted out of Survivor 46 in episode 9! He had an idol in his pocket, and he neglected to play it because he believed the whole tribe was voting for Q. Hunter told people about his idol right before tribal council to take the heat off himself, but it actually just turned it up to 11. The tribe split the vote 4-4 with four votes on Hunter and four on Q. When they re-voted, everyone voted for Hunter and he was eliminated. He became the third member of the jury.

11. Tiffany Nicole Ervin

Run the Red Light
“Run the Red Light” – Castaways compete for the biggest reward of the season, and an outburst resulting from the reward challenge could lead to a strategic shift in this week’s target. Then, an eerie sense of agreeability around camp causes castaways to second guess their vote before tribal council, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, May 1 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming live and on-demand on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or

After Q told Maria about Tiffany's idol, Tiffany threatened to play it during the previous vote that saw Hunter go home. She thought she was safe when the tribe appeared to target Q, but it it was just an epic misdirection for Maria, Charlie, Ben, Liz, and Q to take out Tiffany. For the second straight week, a player was voted out with an irol in their pocket when Tiffany went home in episode 10!

12. Venus Vafa

My Messy, Sweet Little Friend
“My Messy, Sweet Little Friend” – Idol fever strikes the NuiNui beach and launches a massive hunt for the last hidden immunity idol of the season. With the end of the game in sight, castaways begin to question whether their resumes are enough to win the title of Sole Survivor. Then, in a test of precision, castaways compete for immunity and a spot in the final six, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, May 8 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on-demand on

Can you believe it? For the third straight week, the most in Survivor history, a player was voted out with an idol in their pocket when Venus was voted out of the game in episode 11. Venus had found the idol earlier in the episode, and instead of keeping it a secret like she said she was going to do, she hinted at having an idol to Charlie. He used that opportunity to target Venus and take her out of the game before she knew what was happening. It was another great move from Charlie, who seems like he's in a great spot to win the game.

13. Q Burdette

Mamma Bear
“Mamma Bear” – In one of the most emotional reward challenges of the season, castaways fight for their chance to win letters from home. Alliances begin to crumble and individual plans emerge after players compete in a race of balance, speed and puzzle skills to earn immunity and a spot in the final five, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, May 15 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for

For the fourth straight week, a person with a hidden immunity idol was voted out of Survivor 46! Q, who found the hidden immunity idol during episode 12, told Maria and only Maria about the idol. They had a plan to use it to get them to the final four, meaning that at least one of them would make the final three. But, they had to get through a big vote. Q and Maria targeted Charlie, which seemed like a good play at the time. They tried to loop in Kenzie and Liz, but they double-crossed Q and Maria.

Instead of voting out Charlie, Liz and Kenzie, who just accompanied Charlie on the reward to eat chinese food, teamed up with Ben and Charlie to vote out Q.

Who can win Survivor season 46?

Scorpio Energy
“Scorpio Energy” – One tribe struggles to keep their heads in the game after the first tribal council of the season. Another castaway will win the biggest and most intense music battle in SURVIVOR history, “Taylor Swift vs. Metallica.” Then, tribes must use teamwork and persistence during the immunity challenge to keep them from heading to tribal council, on a two-hour episode of SURVIVOR, Wednesday, March 6 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and

Through 12 weeks, there are only five contestants still with a chance to win Survivor season 46.

We shared the list of all nine castaways who can still win the game:

  • Kenzie Petty
  • Maria Shrime Gonzalez
  • Charlie Davis
  • Liz Wilcox
  • Ben Katzman

It's anybody's game at this point. Obviously, Maria and Charlie are playing a great games. I would consider them heavy, heavy favorites, but they have to get to the final three first. They could easily be taken out in one of the next three votes. If the players are smart, Charlie and Maria have to go before the end. They will win every single time!

I'm keeping an eye on Kenzie, though. If Charlie and Maria don't win or can't get to the final three, Kenzie is going to win!

We'll continue to update this list of castaways eliminated each week! Survivor season 46 airs new episodes every Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. C on CBS and Paramount+.