If you thought the first three episodes of The Traitors were intense, it’s time to buckle up because the fourth episode of season 3 did not come to play! Now before we dive into the thick of things, here’s a warning that there are major spoilers ahead!
Episode 4 picks up where the previous episode left off with the Traitors having just gathered to discuss the secret mission they were given to shortlist three players for murder. Gabby hears a voice she believes to be Danielle’s and she leaves quickly so that she isn’t spotted in case it is the Traitors as she doesn’t want to give them a reason to target her.
Shortly after, Dylan thinks something is up and notices the bookcase open and goes in. Danielle goes in after him and then Ciara follows. Dylan notices something has changed in the room and it’s clear he’s truly one of the strongest Faithfuls this season, but it does make Danielle leery so she mentions keeping an eye on him.
Before any other plays can explore the secret room, Alan calls players outside where they see him with three coffins. He tells them about the Traitors shortlisting three players in plain site and that later someone will be killed tonight from the list. So who are the unlucky players in danger of being murdered?
That would be Jeremy, Nikki, and Ciara, who are asked to step into the coffins and then given the chance to offer up some potential last words. Ciara says the Triators better watch out as if she stays as she’ll be hunting them f*cking down; Nikki tries to leverage that she’ll be a good asset on challenges to win money; and Jeremy surprises everyone by telling the Traitors if they spare him he’ll be their ally.

Who do the Traitors kill in episode 4?
After the three shortlisted players take their place in the coffins, Alan sends the other players back to the castle before the Traitors return to briefly discuss who to kill and then go put the literal nail in the coffin of one player, ending their game.
Cut to the next day, Gabby, Chrishell, Robyn, and Dolores are first to breakfast. Robyn says she thinks two of the players in the coffins were actually Taitors and Nikki is at the top of her list. Gabby tells the group about hearing Danielle in the room the night before and she wonders if Danielle might be a Traitor, but Robyn shoots it down and the conversation cools as more players arrive.
Britney, Ivar, and Sam arrive next followed by Bob H, Carolyn, and Wes. We get a back package, in which Carolyn mentions that she’s nervous as she didn’t agree with the player her fellow Traitors chose to murder adding suspense as we wait to see who won’t be showing up to breakfast.
Bob the Drag Queen, Tom, Rob, and Dylan arrive in the next group with Danielle and Derrick rounding out the final group to walk in. This just leaves the shortlisted players. Before they arrive, Robyn asks the room about the bookcase and hints that is clearly where the Traitors met up, and Gabby asks the group if anyone went into the room. Danielle says she and Dylan went in and Bob says he went in there as well because it was new. The questioning results in Gabby landing on Danielle’s radar, so we’ll see if Gabby could end up in danger.
A knock at the door finds Ciara and Nikki entering next, meaning that Jeremy was the latest player killed by the Traitors and marking the back-to-back elimination of Survivor players following Tony’s banishment in the previous episode. We see a flashback to the Traitors discussing their options and Carolyn was against the decision to murder Jeremy but she was again overruled by her fellow players. We also learn that Jeremy was suspicious of Danielle and expressed these concerns to Nikki before he was murdered.
Before the next challenge, the players break up and have some strategy talks. Tom tells Britney, Robyn, Carolyn, and Bob the Drag Queen he thinks Ciara was recruited by The Traitors; Wes tells Ivar and Danielle he thinks Nikki is a Traitor as she’s not been as over-the-top as she should be as a performer hinting she’s trying to fly under the radar; Rob asks Nikki, Gabby, Derrick, and Chrisell if they think a traitor was in the coffins and Nikki suggests it was a decoy; and Dylan tells Nikki and Dolores he still thinks Bob the Drag Queen is a Traitor but doesn’t think he has the votes.

The Traitors episode 4 challenge narrows down who can be killed
For this week’s challenge, the players will have to work to assemble 10 statues by carrying pieces up a hill and assembling the pieces. For each statue they successfully assemble, they’ll bank $2k for the prize fund. Here’s the twist: there are 18 heads for the statues each with a player’s name on them, but only 10 statues and the 10 players whose names are placed on the statues will receive a shield protecting them from the next murder.
The players successfully build all 10 statues in time banking $20k for the prize fund and securing shields for Tom, Bob H, Bob the Drag Queen, Rob, Dylan, Wes, Britney, Danielle, Chrishell, and Dolores. This means that Gabby, Ciara, Sam, Ivar, Nikki, Robyn, Carolyn, and Derrick are all without a shield. Since Carolyn is a Traitor, this means that there are seven players who could be in jeopardy and might be murdered by the Traitors next.
Following the competition, Bob the Drag Queen calls out Derrick, Rob, and Wes, vocally telling the group he believes one of them is a Traitor and they shouldn’t have gotten Shields which doesn’t sit well with Rob, who decides to make it his mission to bring Bob the Drag Queen down.
Rob isn’t happy and he tells Derrick and Ivar there is someone on his list on the way back to the castle. He wants to blindside Bob the Drag Queen at the round table and his plan is to plant seeds. He goes to Dylan first and tells him about the plan and the two set out to try to sway others. Rob and Dylan begin laying the groundwork to target Bob the Drag Queen, though there is a lot of suspicion on Nikki and Ciara as well heading into the roundtable.

Who goes home in The Traitors episode 4?
After losing Jeremy at the top of the episode with the murder, the Faithfuls hope to get retribution by finding a Traitor, and at last, they do when they vote out Bob the Drag Queen following an intense roundtable.
Wes opens the roundtable by calling out Nikki, sharing his theory that as a show woman, she would put herself in a coffin and give a performance to try to make people think she was a Faithful. Nikki responds that silence is golden and he rambled a lot. Says she is a Faithful. Gabby and Chrishell come to Nikki defense as Robyn interjects that she doesn’t feel confident and needs someone to come in with something confident.
It looks like Dylan is going to get his chance, but Derrick breaks the silence by calling out Ciara before Rob sets his sights on Bob the Drag Queen and takes his shot.
Rob breaks in and says the Traitors are winning by having Nikki and Ciara going at one another and says he has noticed someone getting everyone’s admiration and calls out Bob the Drag Queen. And this is when things really hit the fan!
Dylan says the hardest part is everyone loves Bob the Drag Queen and he’s good at deflecting, making him a perfect Traitor. Bob the Drag Queen says he will never tell them a lie and he’s been right about every Faithful and swears to god he’s a Faithful. Rob says let me say two words: You’re not. Bob the Drag Queen throws it back, saying Rob is scared and that everything said about him is actually true about Rob. Dylan interjects that he grew up with an actor and Bob the Drag Queen says not a very good one, which does not go over well with many, and then calls Rob a little b*tch.
Alan interjects and has the players cast their votes which shake out as follows:
Dolores: Bob the Drag Queen
Danielle: Bob the Drag Queen
Gabby: Ciara
Derrick: Ciara
Tom: Nikki
Chrishell: Bob the Drag Queen
Bob the Drag Queen: Rob
Robyn: Ciara
Britney: Bob the Drag Queen
Ciara: Bob the Drag Queen
Dylan: Bob the Drag Queen
Carolyn: Bob the Drag Queen
Wes: Nikki
Nikki: Ciara
Sam: Bob the Drag Queen
Ivar: Bob the Drag Queen
Rob: Bob the Drag Queen
Bob H: Bob the Drag Queen
After the banishment, Wes and Tom begin to set their sights on Rob as Wes notes that Rob was 100% certain Bob the Drag Queen was a Traitor and the only way someone could have no doubts over a player’s status as a Traitor is if they too were a Traitor.
Our episode then ends as the Traitors come together, setting up what is sure to be an intense meeting after Rob threw his fellow Traitor under the bus in a move that did not sit well with Danielle.