The second episode of Survivor 48 shows that, once again, you have to be careful playing too hard too early. When Vula lost their second consecutive immunity challenge, it should have been an easy vote to eliminate Mary Zheng, but Kevin Leung tried to make a big move too early and got sent home because of it.
Things change so fast on Survivor. It only takes one little mistake to cost someone the game. Kevin’s mistake was trusting Cedrek McFadden and Justin Pioppi too much when neither of them has shown any inclination to want to get rid of Sai Hughley, even though she clearly thinks she is controlling the tribe.
All Kevin did was show how hard he was playing the game already. That is a red flag this early in the game. The vote completely blindsided him, and he probably wished he’d stuck with the easy vote.
Regarding the possible targets for episode three, not much changed from last week.
3 players who could be in danger in episode 3 of Survivor 48

Mary Zheng (Vula)
Mary should have been the easy vote. Kevin thought he could take out Sai but was instead sent packing. Mary may not have much time left in the game unless something drastically changes.
During Tribal Council, it was clear Sai has no desire to work with Mary, mainly because the latter voted for her at the first tribal. Sai has made no effort to talk with Mary or form much of a relationship with her. If Vala loses again, it is hard to imagine Mary surviving another vote.
Star Toomey (Lagi)
Lagi has some strong players on it. Mostly, they’ve gotten along, but some cracks are starting to show. The three men have an alliance, but they each have other ideas as to whom they want to bring in as their fourth.
Star was one player on the tribe who wasn’t connecting, but she found the codex with the idol in it. She has told almost everyone she found it and asked for help. Thomas Krottinger suggested that Shauhin Davari, to whom Star gave the clue, lose it, thereby eliminating any chance Star has to solve the puzzle that will free the idol. Shauhin wasn’t uncomfortable doing this, but it showed how duplicitous Thomas could be.
Star is probably still the biggest target, but Eva has drawn some ire by suggesting Star should sit out of the challenge. Eva is great in challenges and is Joe’s secret ally, but she does have a bit of a target on her, too. Someone who is playing like Thomas is can also draw ire. It wouldn't be too shocking to see him get voted out, either.
Charity Nelms (Civa)
Like Lagi, Civa hasn’t had to play the game too hard yet. They seem close, but Charity is the least popular, and paranoia is setting in. David Kinne seemed irked that Mitch Guerra was even talking to Charity alone.
If this tribe loses immunity, seeing if Charity is indeed the first voted out will be interesting. David’s personality could start rubbing people the wrong way and lead to a ticket home if he missteps too early.
3 Survivor 48 players who are most likely safe in episode 3

Sai Hughley (Vula)
If Cedrek and Justin wanted to eliminate Sai, they had every opportunity to do so. Her idol would have given her a certain level of protection for at least one more trip to Tribal Council (in theory), but she played it in episode 2 when Kevin was voted out. It’s hard to imagine that anyone but Mary would be voted off if Vula loses again, but Sai should be safe for another vote.
Shauhin Davari (Lagi)
Joe Hunter seemed safer last week than he does now. With Eva’s name being floated around suddenly and Joe’s commitment to being her ally, it may cost him his other alliance. Thomas displayed some traits in episode two that showed how hard he is willing to play, and if Thomas thinks Joe is too physical, he won’t hesitate to take the big guy down.
Thomas displayed some traits in episode two that showed how hard he is willing to play, and if Thomas thinks Joe is too physical, he won’t hesitate to take the big guy down.
This leaves the third person in their all-male alliance flying a bit under the radar. If Shauhin makes the merge, you get the feeling he might make it deep into the game. As of now, he hasn’t ticked anyone off and has shown integrity by scorning Thomas’s idea about losing Star’s immunity clue. Shauhin will be around a while.
Kyle Fraser (Civa)
Kyle found the idol codex and immediately enlisted Kamilla Karthigesu’s help in solving the puzzle. She was able to free the idol, giving Kyle some protection. This tribe is hard to figure out. Until they are forced to turn on each other, it is hard to see precisely how things will fall. Charity seems to be on the outs, but Mitch’s name has been thrown out, and Kyle hasn’t meshed with everyone yet.
Regardless, now that he has the idol, it seems unlikely Kyle will go home if Civa were to lose immunity.
Watch Survivor 48 episode 3 on Wednesday, March 12!