Jeff Probst explains Rachel Lamont's 'brilliant use of the Shot in the Dark'

Rachel is playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers in Survivor 47!
“He’s All That” – The classic SURVIVOR auction is back with a twist! One castaway bites into a little more than food, which leads to a game-changing opportunity. Then, another wild tribal council results in the first member of the jury, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Nov. 6 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode
“He’s All That” – The classic SURVIVOR auction is back with a twist! One castaway bites into a little more than food, which leads to a game-changing opportunity. Then, another wild tribal council results in the first member of the jury, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, Nov. 6 (8:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode | CBS

Rachel LaMont didn't get voted out in Survivor 47 episode 8, but for the second straight episode, Rachel was a huge part of the story, including her creative and innovative use of the Shot in the Dark at tribal council.

At the beginning of the episode, Rachel learned that Sol Yi, who she wants to work with, was the person who sent the Safety Without Power advantage in episode 7. Then, Rachel found a hidden immunity idol thanks to a clue during the auction. Finally, Rachel got a little nervous before tribal council because she was left out of the discussions, so she used her Shot in the Dark in a way that we have yet to see in the game.

At tribal council, Rachel played her Shot in the Dark and watched the reactions of the other players. Had they reacted strongly, she would have played her immunity idol. Instead, they were chill, so she was chill.

Jeff Probst had a lot to say about Rachel's "brilliant use of the Shot in the Dark" on the new episode of On Fire with Jeff Probst.

"Yes, she could have played her idol after that, and that was exactly her plan," Probst said. "She used her Shot in the Dark in a very inventive way. She used it as a lure. She played it, and she didn't even care if she was safe or not. She was watching the other faces to see if they cared that she played it because that was her indicator. If they react in a big way, then I know I am the vote, and if I'm not safe with the scroll, I'll be safe with my idol."

"Instead, she didn't see any reactions," Probst continued. "So, very cleverly and much like when she got the idol out of the tarp, she just let her game play quiet and trusted she wasn't the vote."

It was an incredible and quite desperate play, honestly. It seemed like Rachel, more than the other Gata players, realized that something was wrong at camp before going to tribal council. She was left out of the plan, or she didn't trust the information she was told. And, she was prepared to make a big move to stay in the game.

Rachel was not the target of this vote. Instead, Sam Phalen and Sierra Wright were targeted for their tight alliance, and the former Tuku players and former Lavo players plus Andy teamed up to split the vote between Sierra and Sam. In the re-vote, Sierra was targeted and was the eighth player voted out of Survivor 47.

It seems like people are genuinely, including Caroline Vidmar and Genevieve Mushaluk, waking up to the fact that Rachel is an incredible Survivor player. She hasn't fully had the opportunity to show what she's capable of, but she's using her instincts correctly. Now, she has an immunity idol. In theory, she should be safe through at least episode 10 now even though she's on the bottom.

She's already proven that she doesn't mind getting creative and drawing attention to herself to stay in the game. She took a huge risk getting that idol, and it seems like she's in a good spot to use it. If she can stay in the game a little longer, she might have a chance for other players to come to her as the numbers get narrower and narrower.

It's unclear from here where Rachel's Shot in the Dark move develops. Will other players use that tactic? It really only works if you have an idol, too. Rachel was also far enough removed from the vote that she didn't feel like she was going to hurt her allies by not voting.

We'll find out in Survivor 47! Episode 9 airs on CBS and Paramount+ on Wednesday, Nov. 13.