Jeff Probst just shared a new cast update about Survivor 50, but it's not the one you were looking for.
Survivor 48 news is finally heating up as we head into the new season. Probst just revealed some big easter eggs for fans to watch for in the new episodes. But, it's hard to stop looking ahead to what's going to be one of the biggest and most exciting seasons in the history of the show, Survivor 50.
In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly about all the fan suggestions he's getting about Survivor 50, Jeff Probst briefly discussed where things stand with Survivor 49 and Survivor 50. Unfortunately, the show is still trying to determine who will be in the Survivor 50 cast.
Here's what Probst told EW about Survivor 50:
“That's the only thing I know for sure, is I want to celebrate. We're really lucky, and we're lucky because of our fans, to have this kind of a loyal fan base for this long. So let's celebrate it! And we're going to give it our best shot as we always do. We want to make everybody happy. So that's what's going through my head and the whole team while we're editing 48, and we're casting 49, and we're thinking about 50. That's how it's going.”
Assuming production patterns hold, Survivor 49 will film sometime in May and June 2025 with Survivor 50 to follow in June and July.
So, you're telling me that we're less than six months away from production starting and the cast is still being ironed out? That's what Probst is saying. He also mentioned:
“We don't have the answers yet. I'm telling you, we're working on it still in this moment.”
Well, that's that, then! Obviously, I'm sure that things have progressed since Probst last commented on the cast in the fall of 2024 when he revealed they were down to 100 former players being considered for the season. Remember, Survivor 50 is going to be the first season since Survivor: Winners at War to include former players unless there are some surprises with Survivor 49. Probst also admitted they were in the casting process for Survivor 49 right now, as well.
On the surface, I'm quite surprised by the admission. I don't know if there's some level of misdirection or inability to share anything, legally, as details are being ironed out. We were not expecting Probst to say, "Boston Rob is coming back for Survivor 50" or anything like that. But, I was expecting something a little more set-in-stone, you know? It would have been great for him to be like, "We found our 20 players for Survivor 50," but maybe they actually don't know yet.
The other factor to consider is that an admission like that could lead to super-sleuths trying to find out who is in the season. If they reveal that they know who is in the cast, every popular player from all 48 seasons so far is going to get a billion questions about whether or not they are playing. Too many things can slip through the cracks and spoil the big cast reveal.
Just knowing a little bit about how reality TV works, there is a lot that can happen in a few months. A lot of decisions come down to the wire even though there's a lot of planning that goes into it.
I have a feeling we won't be waiting too much longer before we find out the Survivor 50 cast. These things can't remain a secret forever!
Stay tuned for more news about Survivor 50! But, first, we have Survivor 48, which premieres on Feb. 26, and then Survivor 49 this fall!